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Is rowing good for you part II - a year later
Posted: January 8th, 2009, 5:33 pm
by tom pinckney
I had a similar post not too long ago, but can't find it's another one. Yep - it's been a year since I started training seriously. I reported that I had taken off quite a bit of weight, etc. Summing things up from last year:
Last year my blood pressure was up (it's highest was 180/110), I tested positive for type 2 diabetes and my cholesterol was in the 200 range.
My training over the last year has been three-fold:
1. eat properly (notice I did not say DIET?)
2. lift weights to build muslce tissue. Afterall - muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. Thus, I"m burning more calories as a result.
3. row aeorbically
Today I visited the doctor. Everything was normal. My last blood test for cholestoral was in the 125 range with high HLD (good cholesterol) numbers. My blood pressure was 110/70 and my resting pulse is 60.
Today is my birthday (I'ts also Evlis' birthday). I'm 64 and getting better every day. Elvis would be 74!! I guess you could say: "Elvis has left the bulding!" I plan on being here a longggggggg time. Training will help me meet that goal!
Posted: January 8th, 2009, 7:07 pm
by Sheepster
Happy Birthday Tom and Congratulations!!!
Re: Is rowing good for you part II - a year later
Posted: January 9th, 2009, 1:38 am
by Snail Space
tom pinckney wrote:Last year my blood pressure was up (it's highest was 180/110)
Today I visited the doctor. My blood pressure was 110/70 and my resting pulse is 60.
Today is my birthday.
What a great present to yourself.
A daily row is far better than a daily tablet.
Keep it up.
Posted: January 9th, 2009, 7:30 am
by tom pinckney
Amen brother. How I have to work off that cake and great dinner I had. Thanks - Tom
Posted: January 9th, 2009, 10:38 am
by romad63
Well Done Tom!
Re: Is rowing good for you part II - a year later
Posted: January 12th, 2009, 4:15 pm
by nchasan
Today I visited the doctor. Everything was normal. My last blood test for cholestoral was in the 125 range with high HLD (good cholesterol) numbers. My blood pressure was 110/70 and my resting pulse is 60.
Today is my birthday
An inspiration to us all!
Posted: March 17th, 2009, 3:46 pm
by KDreese
Congratulations Tom!
So when you say everything was "normal" does that mean the diabetes went away? I dont know much about these things but with that type of diabetes is it possible for it to go away? That would be such great news and an inspiration to those of us they may be at risk (e.g. belly fat, etc).
diabetes definitely related to weight
Posted: June 16th, 2009, 4:35 pm
by pdauby
To answer the question about diabetes - if you have type II diabetes and are overweight, it will certainly improve dramatically with weight loss, so that you have very good chances to get off all your medications. If you get to a "normal" weight and stay on a "decent" diet, you have good chances your diabetes will completely go away...but it'll come back if you gain your weight back.
Re: diabetes definitely related to weight
Posted: June 18th, 2009, 12:45 am
by Snail Space
pdauby wrote:To answer the question about diabetes - if you have type II diabetes and are overweight, it will certainly improve dramatically with weight loss, so that you have very good chances to get off all your medications. If you get to a "normal" weight and stay on a "decent" diet, you have good chances your diabetes will completely go away...but it'll come back if you gain your weight back.
I second that - you don't meet many slim type 2 diabetics. In fact, I can't remember seeing
My story is similar: rowing x5 per week, and cut garbage food (I too couldn't abide the thought of being on a "diet"). Result: BP normal without drugs, lipids normal, and feeling alive again. So my ergo is now my daily medication. I don't care to hurt myself by doing 2K tests, but 40-80 minutes rowing at least 4 times per week keeps me feeling good, and will hopefully keep me healthy enough to see my young family (youngest is 5) grow into parenthood themselves.
Keep up the good work everyone.