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Mission accomplished (now what?)

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 8:06 am
by nycbone
After ~3 years, I've met my weight loss goal: down to 170 from a high of 215lbs. The first 25 lb loss over 2.5 years resulted from sensible eating (i.e., self control), but no regular exercise. None. The final 20 lb loss over the past 6 months resulted from rowing an average of 75 km/week.

Yesterday, I wore my first pair of size 34 waist jeans (NOT relaxed fit) in a very long time.

Maintaining my caloric intake has not been a problem and I really do enjoy erging, so I fully expect to keep the weight off by continuing this regimen.

Now what?

I guess I'd like to improve my cardiovascular and muscular fitness without losing additional weight.

What do you guys recommend for increasing strength at home (i.e., without buying an additonal large piece of equipment - cheap and portable is good)? Free weights? Push-ups? Pull-ups?

I'm taking OTW lessons this summer and hope to continue in the club's community rowing club, so I'd like to be in better shape for those activities.


Re: Mission accomplished (now what?)

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 8:56 am
by slwiser
Wonderful effort...keep up the exercise.

Re: Mission accomplished (now what?)

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 4:59 pm
by Carl Watts
Not sure how old you are but I flagged the weights years ago.

Rowing removes the flab so you not only look better you feel WAY better as soon as any cardio is involved.

Keep up the rowing and set yourself some distance or time goals rather than just a weight loss one.

Congratulations on reaching your target.

Re: Mission accomplished (now what?)

Posted: March 29th, 2010, 9:29 am
by nycbone
45; 6' tall.

I have been following the Pete Plan for a while, so I'll stick with that.

Carl Watts wrote:Not sure how old you are but I flagged the weights years ago.

Rowing removes the flab so you not only look better you feel WAY better as soon as any cardio is involved.

Keep up the rowing and set yourself some distance or time goals rather than just a weight loss one.

Congratulations on reaching your target.

Re: Mission accomplished (now what?)

Posted: April 3rd, 2010, 8:21 pm
by Couloirman
One word: kettlebell

I thought it was a stupid fad too...... until I tried it. Now Im hooked. It works everything, it does strength, coordination, cardio, etc... And you just have to buy one bell, although once youre hooked you will end up buying more.

They have a forum over there as well and will sell you anything kettlebell related. I am not affiliated, just a happy customer and a new kettlebell addict.

Re: Mission accomplished (now what?)

Posted: April 4th, 2010, 12:36 am
by Tman
I would recommend body weight exercises, like squats , burpees, push ups, chin ups.
You don't have to spend any money for them. And if they become to easy you can adjust the difficulty.
From squats to one legged squats (pistols) or how about a one arm chin up? :mrgreen:
There are a lot of instructions on the internet (youtube for example).
Personally I like this site a lot :shock:

Re: Mission accomplished (now what?)

Posted: April 19th, 2010, 1:00 pm
by Medicman627
Have you thought about Crossfit? It's a great general physical preparedness program. Google them and you'll find your way. They love the C2 rowers there, too.....

Re: Mission accomplished (now what?)

Posted: September 6th, 2010, 12:30 am
by nchasan
One word: kettlebell

Have to agree. Buy yourself a 35# KB and start squatting! You can also do swings, single hand overhead lifts, dead lifts on one leg or two and many more - (the Turkish Get Up comes to mind)...Also, I agree with another poster who said push ups. Try this - we call it "the up and down" - You start in a prone position, then push up and run 5 meters, and lie down facing the way you came from, push up and run back to your starting position and down again...repeat 10x for one set. If you can do 5 are THE MAN!

I also think that you should add a little running if your knees can take it...on a field, you can do up and backs from the goal line to the 20 and back, then to half way and back, then to the 80 and back then to the goal line and back, then to the 80 and back then to the 50 and back and finally to the 20 and back. 2x is 2K.

Another drill we use for aerobic conditioning is to run 30m and back in 10 seconds and then rest for 20 seconds and repeat...the first one is easy - it gets MUCH harder as you go on.