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Post by Meri » August 24th, 2006, 10:00 pm

You are so right! Vegan is a strong term, and I do realize that's not really what the China Study supports in total. It's just so different than we're used to eating, and the results are very convincing. Anyway, as I say, we are all eating better thanks to the information you have posted, and your recommendations to read the book. Hope your summer has gone well! I'm really enjoying the fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers this time of year. Have started to incorporate some interval training into my rows-boy, that's hard for me! Best of luck to all.

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Post by NurseBobbi » August 30th, 2006, 4:19 pm

Hi, Guys,

Long time, no see. I dropped off the team because I stopped rowing last December when I got tennis elbow. I couldn't even lift a large glass of water wtih my right hand. When I tried to resume this summer, I found rowing aggravated the elbow even with a short, gentle session. Mike suggested that the problem might be that I have a Model B (lots of drag) and that seems to be the case. I've tried the Model C at the gym a couple of times. I've only stayed on for five minutes so far, but I haven't even had a twinge in the elbow. Right now I'm primarily using a stationary bike, but if I start rowing a significant amount agian, I'll rejoin the team.

I saw Mike's note about the China Study. I've been vegetarian for 19 years but consumed too much dairy and too many calories in general. Now I'm limiting my dairy and egg intake and tracking my food intake on I started 9 days ago and have lost 2.5 pounds.

Now I'm going to go figure out what percentage of my calorie intake is from animal protein.

Take care,

Bob S.
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Post by Bob S. » August 30th, 2006, 6:19 pm

NurseBobbi wrote:Hi, Guys,
Mike suggested that the problem might be that I have a Model B (lots of drag) and that seems to be the case. I've tried the Model C at the gym a couple of times. I've only stayed on for five minutes so far, but I haven't even had a twinge in the elbow. Right now I'm primarily using a stationary bike, but if I start rowing a significant amount agian, I'll rejoin the team.
The drag can easily be lowered on a Model B by putting air baffles around the cage. I had a cardboard box that just happened to fit neatly around the cage. With the box on as far as it could go, the DF was lowered to about 50 (from over 150). I could adjust the drag by moving the box so that more of the cage was exposed. I had a PM3 on the B, so I was able to measure the DF. There are many ways to cover part of the cage, so it shouldn't be any problem.

Bob S.

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Post by NurseBobbi » August 30th, 2006, 6:59 pm

Thanks, Bob. I'll give it a try. I have a PM3 on mine, too.

Take care,


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Post by NurseBobbi » September 2nd, 2006, 8:39 am

I tried Bob's suggestion and it worked great! The drag on my Model B went from 180 to 73 with a cardboard baffle. It's much easier on my elbow, though I still might have to go back to the old style handle.

Take care,

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Post by Steelhead » September 6th, 2006, 1:26 am

NurseBobbi wrote:I tried Bob's suggestion and it worked great! The drag on my Model B went from 180 to 73 with a cardboard baffle. It's much easier on my elbow, though I still might have to go back to the old style handle.

Take care,
I haven't taken the new handle off my B, but it definitely hurts my elbow so I use the Model C at the Y which has the old handle. Fortunately, I kept the old handle. I'd recommend putting the old handle back on if your elbow is hurt.

"Sometimes we have to do more than our best, we have to do what is required." Winston Churchill

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poor excuses

Post by Meri » October 1st, 2006, 11:19 pm

Hello all,
First row today since Sept 13-unexpected problems with a very ill child (now all better) plus a major personal project to complete caused every spare moment to be spent caregiving or writing. Afraid to get on the scales, and diet went to h---. Glad to see NurseBobbi back, and the team rowing leaders still at the top of the pack. Don't see Grace on the team anymore (Rowmantic). It was fun to try to keep up with her! Hope everyone else is well. Would love to hear more weight loss successes for motivation. Anyone else have stress related diet lapses? Sometimes my family makes diet choices very difficult, but I'll admit, I am my own worst enemy. Best of luck to all.

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Post by Natalia » October 3rd, 2006, 3:17 pm

hi, I am new at this so I need help. It has been 3 weeks since I started to do indoor rowing, I love it!. I have been fighting some weight for the past 5 years, and I am tired of it... I think it would be great to have people like all of you to keep me pushing forward. Anyway, it seems that you are able to see how much others have been rowing... can someone tell me how? I would love to know. Thanks! :D

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Post by Alissa » October 3rd, 2006, 7:11 pm

Natalia wrote:hi, I am new at this so I need help. It has been 3 weeks since I started to do indoor rowing, I love it!. I have been fighting some weight for the past 5 years, and I am tired of it... I think it would be great to have people like all of you to keep me pushing forward. Anyway, it seems that you are able to see how much others have been rowing... can someone tell me how? I would love to know. Thanks! :D
Hi Natalia (and welcome to the forum)!

If you join one of the "teams", you'll be able to see on your team page how many meters other people on your team have done this season. (Or even if you're not a member of a team, if you know what team the person you're interested in is on, you can check their team page anyway. :lol: )

Here's a link to the page which lists the teams and provides links to the team pages. Click on the number to the left of a team's name to see their page!

Each team seems to have different criteria about who can join. For instance, I'm a part of the Iron Oarsman team (and our membership is open). Other teams are formed around gender, schools, geography, age or particular goals. Look around and find the team that you feel most comfortable with and if you're not sure about their membership policies, contact one of the members and ask!

Good luck finding the team that's perfect for you!


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Post by Natalia » October 3rd, 2006, 10:26 pm

Thanks Alissa! I really appreciate it :D

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Post by deppe4 » November 8th, 2006, 10:30 am

Just wanted to say "hello" to everyone. When I logged my miniscule meters in today I looked at the last time I rowed, which was back in August - ugh, too long ago. I got the "ok" to start out short and easy - so about all I can manage right now is 5mins with the damper at 1. Ya just gotta luv back spasms.

I would also like to share that I lost 32lbs with WW, and only put 3lbs back on over a month of next to no activity (and some returned to bad habits), but it's still very exciting to be able to maintain a more pleasant weight. I have a personal goal, which is to loose 10 more pounds. So hopefully a return to light rowing and pilates will kick start the old metabolism again.

Take Care and Happy Rowing,
Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. - Emreson

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Post by JFM » November 19th, 2006, 4:42 pm

Hi. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is John and I live in upstate NY. I started rowing about a week ago and have become hooked. I look foward to doing it each morning. I joined Row Pain, Row Gain this afternoon and hope that I can become a big contributer to the team.

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Post by bostonwnb » November 21st, 2006, 11:44 am

John, hi

Welcome to the team - we need all the help we can get to rack up the meters: RPRG has slipped somewhat in the team standings this year, compared with last. But it's all in good fun & health.

I see Alex is doing great - already over 2 million meters for the year to date (as of Nov 21): he is leaving the rest of us way behind!

Happy rowing



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Can I join the team?

Post by Rhody » November 21st, 2006, 12:07 pm

Hi Everyone,
I would like to join your team. I am two weeks short of 47, very much overweight and in need of motivation. I have had periods in time when I faithfully used my C2, but unfortunately this year have had many crises in my personal life. My father, who lives 500 miles to the north, had a massive stroke late in the spring. My youngest went to college 300 miles to the south, which involved several trips back and forth. Needless to say, I logged a whole lot more miles on my car than on my erg. But now we have moved my father near me, and my son is settled in school. So now it's time to get back on the "boat," so here I am. We have many new wellness initiatives at work, and getting back on the C2 is the best thing I can do.
Hope you can count me in!


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Hi Everyone

Post by artmom5 » December 9th, 2006, 4:47 pm

:D Good to see some familiar (faces?) on the board and back on the team. Took a lazy excuse to stop rowing-went back to school full time and working part-time. Just too tired was my excuse. Dad now in CCU waiting for open heart surgery and figured I'm next generation in line if I don't keep my heart/weight in shape. So back on the rower-much slower, but if I can't squeeze in 30 minutes a day I definitely have a priority problem as I can sit in front of the tv for 1/2 an hour just trying to decide what to do next!
Back with the team...towards a healthier holiday season.
Keep up the good work meter rowed is better than none!
"If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.” Mary Pickford 1893-1979

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