Noob, am I overdoing it? How to mix it up

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Re: Noob, am I overdoing it? How to mix it up

Post by jamesg » March 24th, 2025, 2:13 am

Time 21:07.9
Distance 4,015m
Pace 2:37.8
Watts 89
Rating (spm) 28
HR 166
How tall are you?

89/28 = 3.2 W-min per stroke, the Work done in each stroke. This is very low and cannot get you fit.

You could also take an hour's fast walk a day. Using sticks helps shoulders and arms too, if on hills.

If you want to row, first thing is learn how it's done: with a long stroke pulled hard at low rates, against lowish drag, with the right sequences and in the rate range 20 (to start with) to 24 after a few months.

See the C2 technique page and use the stroke sequences there: the pull sequence is legs, trunk, arms.

Target is 2W/kg fit weight in aerobic work (ie low HRs) at about rate 24. Might take a a year.

There's a large number of Interactive training plans (over 200) from which to choose. Suggest the 3 or 4 day weeks.
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.

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