I was 400lbs on December 1 and decided to eat healthier and less to be supportive of my wife who had started dieing on her own. I figured I'd lose some weight but it was not my primary motivation.
Near the end of January I was down about 40lbs and decided to go all in, lose down to 170lbs and actually get healthy and on a spur of the moment, having never rowed before, I decided to get an erg. Quick internet research later and concept 2 was the obvious choice.
Since February 2 I have rowed a million meters and dropped another 100lbs. Still have 90lbs to go but wanted to share my milestone. Ordered the t shirt a size small so I can grow into it

(For those curious, my diet is a combination of OMAD, ADF, and some extended fasts mixed in. No real miracle cure, except that fasting gets easier as you get used to it. It is mainly just a huge reduction in calories with the hope/expectation that my BMR stays relatively normal because of relatively high calorie meals when I do eat.)