Hello to everyone who's chimed in.
I appreciate all your input. I think some more information may be important- I have added rowing and not changed eating habits/diet (that I am aware of). Given the additional burn rate (calories out via rowing) I was assuming that I'd be losing very slowly. As one of you had pointed out, it'd be about a half pound per week. But this isn't what I have actually experienced so you see my confusion.
I do tend to go at rowing like I did running- long slow distance with some days of fast training. My longer pieces (10-18K) are at 2:27/500, and shorter rows tend around 2:20/500 (2-5K). I stay at around 160-170 BPM which is in the 80% ball park.
Anyway, I think somewhere along the line I must have been increasing caloric input, otherwise the math just does not make sense. I tend to subscribe to the calories in/calories out viewpoint, but was seeing if anyone out there has ever had this issue crop up. I have to admit I am truly a bit confused about the gains, but as I said earlier it's simply got to be on the INPUT side of things that I have made my mistake.
Someone I was speaking to recently said that I wasn't eating enough... ? I find that idea almost impossible (I eat about 1500 cal/day) in order to maintain.
So thank you, for all your support and chiming in with thoughts. I'll keep rowing regardless, as I have now become an addict!
Respectfully, and with gratitude