Weight Loss Success Stories... please share!

Rowing for weight loss or weight control? Start here.
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tom pinckney
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Post by tom pinckney » September 22nd, 2008, 7:25 am

I started rowing last November the day before Thanksgiving. I was overweight, high blood pressure with lousy blood tests. Oh yes - I tested for diabetes for the first time. :o

I've had a rower for quite some time, but kind of lost interest in rowing and exercise for quite a while. However, it's interesting that the one thing that you feel like doing least (exercising) is the one thing that can make you feel better and save your life.

The bad diagnose(s) probably saved my life. I decided that I would lose weight over the holidays (rather than gain it as usual). I started a three prong approach:

1. eat properly (not a diet) - I went to classes at a local hospital (dieticition) for three different sessioons. This is for diabetics, but will work for anyone. Just a lifestyle change when it comes to eating.
2. started rowing: I joined a rowing challenge (Lunatics) and really rowed a lot. This got my metabolism going and really burned a lot of calories.
3. joined a new gym: yep - the new atmosphere really stimulates me. It has a good exercise area, hot tub and pool. Costs more money than just a "golds-type" gym, but I'd rather pay the extra money there than at the doctors. I'm on a regular program that builds muscle. Muscle burns more fat at rest. Thus, I burn more calories than before.

With this approach, I lost 30 pounds in just a few months and have lost a total of 60 pounds totally. I've slacked off during the summer and will start rowing again real soon. I feel that the rower is the best weight loss tool of all.

Oh yes - forgot one thing. I got a new walking partner (English Cocker Spaniel). Not only do I have a new friend (and family member), but he gets me walking at least twice a day. Fun time.

I'm now within normal weight for me, my diabetes is under contorl and my cholesterol is down to 130 (the lowest in my life). No more high BP!

Cross training with the rower works. :D

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Post by SkipChurch » October 17th, 2008, 7:20 am

In April I reported my weight at 209, down from 237 in January. Now it's at 170, and pretty stable. I row about 65 minutes every morning, and play racquetball or do weights several times a week. My diet is mainly fruit and veg, with animal products limited to 10% of total calories.

My doc said my blood results were "pristine" and "textbook" !
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Post by lightweight8 » October 31st, 2008, 2:19 pm

I rowed on the championship UCF lightweight 8 womans boat during my college years, winning at Dad Vale. That was '93. I love rowing and being on the water, but have not rowed since then.

Since then I've had a child and my weight got out of control during my pregnancy. I am 5'5 and weighed in at 180 pounds when I started my weightloss journey. My goal is to get to 140 pounds. 6 weeks ago I looked in the mirror and said, "I am tired of looking like this. I have 40 pounds to lose, and I'm starting today!"

I've cut my calories back to 1000-1200/ day and started rowing 5days a week at the gym. My first workout, I could only make it 15 minutes on the erg. Here I am 6 weeks later, doing 60-65 mins totalling at least 12k meters at a time.

I keep my split around 2:30 which I will eventually work toward shortening, but I am going to for distance at the moment. There is a mirror in front of me when I row so I can keep tabs on my form...and I can invision being on the water at sunup, like the old days.

So far, I have lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks! I'm so proud of myself and will keep you updated on my progress. I plan on meeting my goal of 40 pounds lost by March 1st.

The biggest inspiration for me is to see my body changing. I can feel my shin bones again...I am losing size in my legs and arms and it feels great!

To all those who are looking to row to lost weight, it DOES work. Rowing, in my opinion, is the most under-utilized indoor aerobic training workout you can find. Forget those other machines! :)

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Post by badocter » November 1st, 2008, 9:36 pm

SkipChurch wrote:In April I reported my weight at 209, down from 237 in January. Now it's at 170, and pretty stable. I row about 65 minutes every morning, and play racquetball or do weights several times a week. My diet is mainly fruit and veg, with animal products limited to 10% of total calories.

My doc said my blood results were "pristine" and "textbook" !
Well done !!!! Like, me you are low enough that you must be tempted to go lightweight :twisted:
40, 6'2", 180# (versus 235# in July 2007)

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Post by GlennTeddy » November 10th, 2008, 12:00 pm

I cant say that my weight loss story has been as impressive as some of the people on this forum but I will still relate my story. I have been 180 pounds since 1988 with a fluctuation of a couple of pounds up or down, but since February of this year when I really started to erg my weight has gone from 180 to 165 and it is staying right there. I did want to get to 160 but I think that I will probably stay at my current weight.

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My story from 235 lbs. to 135 lbs. in 1 year....

Post by luzoradrianne@yahoo.com » May 5th, 2009, 2:49 pm

Adrianne's Return to Fitness Story...Revised 4-21-09 with "thank you's"
Adrianne Rondon’s Return to Fitness Story Weight loss 12/2007 to 4/2009 from 235 pounds to 135 pounds, from size 18/20 to size 4/6 TOTAL WEIGHT LOST=100 pounds. Chest from 46" to 37", Waist from 42" to 28", Hips from 44" to 37", Thighs from 26" to 21.5", Arms from 14" to 11" TOTAL INCHES LOST=37” Ok, I have been procrastinating writing this story because I just don't know where to start...I guess I just don't want this to sound like all the other weight loss success stories...One thing I know I don't want it to sound like is like many stories I read that actually disencouraged me....like famous people making lots of money to lose weight and have personal trainers and their own personal chefs...how could you not get fit like that? And then there were stories of normal, regular people who were spending soooo much time at the gym...2 hrs. plus and sometimes 2 times a day and lifting weights and doing cardio and counting ounces and really depriving themselves...who can live like that? It just seemed way too hard and so it really did not motivate me! So, keeping in mind that everyone is different....here's my story: I have a family history of obesity but it seems to be that life-style choices and mental health are what have dictated our weight....my grandmother died young of breast cancer, my grandfather died of colon cancer, my mother died young of ovarian cancer....From what I've read, these cancers are caused in part by life-style and nutrition and some from obesity....My mother was a svelte and beautiful woman in her pre-marital, pre-baby years...but then came the stress of life and so did the emotional eating and the pounds....I remember her always struggling with her weight and never happy with herself...I also remember her being very stressed and depressed and snacking "emotionally"....Did I get it from her? Well, my whole life I've been down the same road she was......At 15 years old, after I had bi- lateral hip-dislocation (from being obese)....my mother started a weight loss plan called "herba- life" and she was doing so well....she put me on it....I did it and lost so much weight! BUT, it turns out SHE was becoming anemic because she just was not ingesting enough vitamins from just a liquid shake diet.....BUT, I started to lose the weight! As the weight came off, I became more and more confident and interested in being athletic...I started doing little aerobic routines at home and going for bike rides all over Hialeah and then being very careful of my caloric intake and expenditure...I would get on the scale and see the pounds drop so quickly and it would just totally motivate me to continue eating less and exercising more....soon I became anorexic...weighting 100# on a large frame...(I'll have to scan that picture)....BUT, it was so exciting because we were very poor and I was able to go to thrift shops and buy really cheap clothes for very little money....the catch was that the nice clothes were all size 2 or size 0...BUT, I was fitting into them..yey! So, I was anorexic and how did I get out of it? I really don't remember....I think what happened was I re- discovered food and went to the opposite spectrum and got overweight again..........thank God, 'cause I would've died if I didn't start eating again...So, when I graduated high- school...I was fat! Then, I got married and so many self-esteem issues starting coming to the surface and the hardships of married life and buying a new house together, and owning a business together, and all the stresses made me start putting the weight on and more and more until I was into my 29th birthday...I'll never forget, my brother and sister asked me if I was Happy...because they saw how I had bloated up and I guess they figured I was having problems.....I got defensive.....BUT, it made me realize that for sooooo many years, I was eating to cover up the pain of an unhappy marriage..So, in 1999, I decided to lose the weight and I did and was down from size 18 to size 6 by the time I filed divorce in Nov. 1999...and was ready for the new millenium! New millennium, new life! I divorced and was on my own for the first time since I was 19 yrs. old! I danced every night, had plenty of free time to exercise, and was in the single's scene! I went back down to a size 4...130#.....at 30 years old! My 25 year old boyfriend couldn't believe that a 30 yr. old could look so good! After enjoying my fit self and being single for a year, I met my current husband....he was very athletic and I was too and I made that a priority when dating...I really wanted my partner to be athletic and keep up with me... So, we were both fit, athletic and very conscious of our health and fitness! BUT, he was Italian, great cook, and we started doing the whole eating out at restaurants and staying in because we were so in love and just got lazy and FAT! We bought a house and the stress started piling and then we had kids and the stress REALLY started piling on...We both gained a lot of weight! When I was young and overweight, I had asthma which re- occurred as my weight increased. Also, I developed gall-bladder sludge, herniated lumbar disk, hiatal hernia, and sciatica, irregular periods, bad PMS… all attributed to my obesity. I stopped exercising here and there....having meals out and eating my husband's rich, Italian (DELICIOUS) cooking here and there.....and then we decided we wanted to try to have kids...Ok, so we tried......didn't happen...I went to a fertility specialist who said that because I was obese, I had developed poly-cystic ovaries and therefore would have difficulty conceiving....so, I didn't like meds and decided to ignore her..I thought maybe if I lost some weight, it would help....I lost 20 lbs. and guess what? Pregnant! So, prego with my first kid....gained like 45 lbs....ugh..maybe 60.....supposed to only gain something like 25 lbs......BUT...I gained more....Then the stress of raising a kid...(which I wasn't cut out for)...every time I got stressed out, I popped a Dove Dark chocolate in my mouth....40 calories each? Ok, gained lots of weight....Trying for baby #2? Stress! I was overweight AGAIN and it wasn't happening fast enough.....8 months after giving birth to first baby, I was prego again! UGH! So, I said well, why even try to lose the weight from the 1st pregnancy and ended up gaining even more weight....another 30-35 more lbs.......getting really heavy now...size 18-20...Had 2nd baby and was 235# and size 18-20..wow!!!! My doctor's notes read "severely obese"!!!!!UGH!!!! I remember looking in the mirror (which I rarely did) and thinking "how did I get this big? How and when will I ever lose this weight?" And I just hated myself for being so weak and lacking self- control over food and for being lazy! One day, I just thought, I CANNOT go on like this! None of my clothes fit! I'm uncomfortable in social situations, I cannot even find clothes to wear unless I go buy more and more.......so I decided it was time to commit! I joined my husband's work's gym... and he generously gave up his lunch hour to watch the boys while I exercised for an hour...I went every day, religiously because I knew that the boys could get sick or appointments could get in the way and I may have to take an unscheduled day off...Meanwhile...I wanted to feel comfortable and confident...I went to Lane Bryant (the fat women store) and I bought 2 pairs of jeans that made me feel "good"...and I didn't feel depressed in them....I bought some work-out clothes that didn't make me feel like a blimp....I started eating just for nutrition and NOT for comfort! I realized that if I was working so hard at the gym, then I didn't want to waste it by over- eating! So, I DID start counting calories.....I realized that I needed to lose X amount by my 38th birthday Feb. 2009...I wanted to be at least back to a size 8! So, I calculated a slow and realistic weight-loss of 5 lbs. per month...1 pound is 3500 calories expended.....AND I did it! I started eating lots of really filling veggies....brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, salads...etc...with the protein thrown in...fish, tuna, Boca-burgers..etc....and by controlling my caloric intake and expenditure, I was on track losing 5 lbs. per month. 1 hr. of cardio per day....started with treadmill, then elliptical, then Stairmaster, then Concept 2 rowing machine......mixing it up! And listening to my body! You have to listen to your body! I would give myself the daily treats....some chips...and then the weekend wine...BUT still keeping in mind the caloric intake to make sure to work it out! The weight started coming off and people at the gym were noticing and making comments and that just motivated me even more and more and more...Until I reached my goal and even surpassed it! I don't know what else to say! I am more energetic for the kids! I am more confident as a woman and mom and I am feeling very healthy! I LOVE to exercise and I DO feel guilty putting "crap" in my mouth! I think before I eat...I am being very aware of what goes in my mouth and how much I move....I am a very confident and healthy person now. I am happy that I have my "emotional" eating under control and didn't succumb to laziness!My health problems have disappeared and the only pain I feel now is just from strenuous work-outs.The health and emotional benefits that I've gained are important BUT most important is that I have been teaching my kids the joy of healthy eating and exercise...they love to eat broccoli and love to exercise" and this is a very important part of life that I want them to grow up with as it just becomes 2nd nature to eat well and exercise. Losing the 100 pounds wasn't easy...but it sure makes 5-10 pound losses seem like a piece of cake! (Yumm) IT IS DOABLE! YOU JUST HAVE TO WANT IT ENOUGH! Just a side-note: Maybe something that moms can relate to.....I felt a lot of guilt and had people impose guilt on me for being so "selfish" taking time for MYSELF to exercise...those people did NOT understand that I was NOT being selfish because the repercussions of my obesity affected my family also and so they are also benefitting from the results...a happier, more energetic, more patient mother, wife, and sister. Also, you wouldn't believe how far a compliment can go when you see someone who has accomplished something, be it weight loss, or any other accomplishment....IT is so motivational to hear the words and actually realize that others have noticed...so don't be stingy or shy or even envious/jealous....GIVE THEM A COMPLIMENT! Speaking of compliments, I REALLY want to thank a few very important people that have motivated me along the way: Susan Powter for writing the book “Stop the Insanity”…wow! She really understood emotional eating! My friends Rayda and David who have helped me come out of my social shell. My old friend of the family Joey for sharing his work-out stories on facebook and encouraging me too. My old friend from high school Ruben for commenting and encouraging me. My co-gymer Kiki for being such a great ear and giving me lots of emotional support during my work- outs! My old friend from high school Robert for also sharing his boot-camp and bicycling passion. My cousins Claudia and Sara for commenting on my efforts. They're Colombian too and we share the same blood that carries the cellulite gene...ugh! My chorus teacher/spiritual healer/philosopher/friend Sybil for giving me words to remember 20 years after high school and Junior high and teaching me that I have a "light" inside that I have the ability to let shine! My dear old friend from high school Elizabeth who loves gym- talk and who when we were in high school perused Vogue and fashion magazines as we cursed our fat thighs and flawed bodies..haha...don't miss those days of self- loathing....but do miss the days of getting to hang out with her every day for many years! And for encouraging and complimenting me and for having abs to be envious of! My former nanny, Melodie for getting me back on track with veggies...she would bring lunch for herself and it was a very healthy lunch always! Co-gymer Ed for motivating me to go faster on the Stairmaster and for reminding me not to lean on the handle bars... Ali for being interested in writing my story and actually being a great reporter! My co-gymer Robyn who also lost a lot of weight and started me on the Concept 2 rowing machine kick...I love the rowing machine! My co-gymer Amy for the constant praise and the fun stories that kept me distracted from the pain... My co-gymer Matt for pushing me and reminding me that interval training would help... Co-gymer Jacqui! YOU have come a long way too and you are so sweet to call me "itty bitty"...You are so cute! Keep it up! Like I said before, you'll be back to looking like a 70's model really soon! My co-gymers Barbara and Margaret that although one of them doesn't want to mention "age"...are a little older than me and are in FABULOUS shape and put to bed the myth of being out of shape in the later years...you guys put me to shame! And for always chatting and exchanging such witty and insightful stories while we exercised. My dear friend and former "nanny",Caitlin, an amazingly beautiful young woman, both inside and out who encouraged me and motivated me to take time out for myself to join the gym and who never misses an opportunity to compliment my physical and personality improvements. The attentive and hands-on Director and co- director of the University of Miami's Wellness Center Norm and Al for being around so much and actually noticing and commenting on my constant progress. They run a GREAT wellness center and a great bunch of people! And for recommending that Ed write a motivational story about me in the UM Cane newspaper..thanks Norm! My brother Edgar for his very ENTHUSIASTIC reaction when he sees me and gasping and reminding me how proud he is and what a big deal it is... My sister Maggie who has inspired me because she REALLY has serious health reasons for not exercising and yet has been able to stay very attractive and slim. My kids for putting up with this middle of the day nonsense of "mama has to go exercise" and just getting used to it! And last, but not least...my wonderful husband that actually saw me get so big and be so unhappy and never made me feel "ugly" or "fat" and encouraged me to do whatever I needed to do to find health and happiness again...thank you, thank you for giving up your lunch hour for over a year so that I could exercise and get my body AND my mind healthy. I love you! TIPS: ONLY WEIGH YOURSELF ONCE PER MONTH 10 DAYS INTO YOUR MENSTRUAL CYCLE OR WHENEVER YOU FEEL THE LIGHTEST! HAVE PREPARED MEALS SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO GET HUNGRY AND FEED YOURSELF HIGH-CALORIE FOODS. DON'T MAKE EXCUSES! THERE IS ALWAYS A BIRTHDAY, AN ANNIVERSARY OR SOME SPECIAL EVENT TO MAKE YOU GO OFF YOUR DIET…AND THERE ARE ALWAYS APPOINTMENTS OR EVENTS TO KEEP YOU FROM EXERCISING! DON’T THROW THE TOWEL IN IF THE MACHINE YOU WANTED AT THE GYM IS UNAVAILABLE, JUST USE SOMETHING ELSE AND YOUR BODY WILL ACTUALLY THANK YOU FOR IT BECAUSE YOU’LL BE WORKING OUT MUSCLES THAT WERE ALREADY CONDITIONED TO YOUR USUAL MACHINE AND WILL SHOCK YOUR BODY INTO PROGRESS. DON’T BE INFLEXIBLE ABOUT YOUR WORK-OUT TIMES…IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT AT YOUR USUAL TIME, DO IT AT A DIFFERENT TIME OF DAY…IT WILL ALSO SHOCK YOUR BODY AND EVEN THOUGH IT MAY FEEL REALLY HARD, YOU’LL BE MAKE YOUR BODY WORK HARDER AND YOU’LL SEE MORE PROGRESS. DRINK LOTS OF WATER (BLAH, BLAH, BLAH)… AVOID EATING OUT...SO TEMPTING AND YOU JUST DON'T KNOW HOW MANY CALORIES YOU'RE EATING. FIT EXERCISE INTO YOUR DAY EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY, USE YOUR LUNCH TIME OR STAY UP LATE! TRY CLOTHES ON ONCE A MONTH AND SEE HOW FAR YOU'VE COME!
didn't let me post a URL......I'm not sure how to post pics.....

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Post by iain » May 6th, 2009, 10:11 am

Adrianne, congratulations on a great success and story.

As a follow up, how do you intend to keep the body you have now earned? The comment on "losing 10lbs is now easy" is slightly worrying. I ask as the son of a serial dieter who lost >40lbs 4 times, only to find the weight go back on when exercise was impossible on health grounds.

- Iain
56, lightweight in pace and by gravity. Currently training 3-4 times a week after a break to slowly regain the pitiful fitness I achieved a few years ago. Free Spirit, come join us http://www.freespiritsrowing.com/forum/

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Making it a habit!

Post by luzoradrianne@yahoo.com » May 6th, 2009, 4:27 pm

Dear Iain,
I think people who struggle with weight issues face a similar struggle as do any other addicts (alcoholics, etc..)...I think that our bodies and minds get into a "habit" of associating and creating "happy" feelings when we eat AND drink and become hard-wired to continue the habit...UNTIL we hit "rock-bottom" and realize that the "addiction" is creating more unhappiness than happiness....
I don't say this to belittle an "alchoholic's or drug addicts" problem...I come from an alcoholic father and my brother is also an alcoholic...I'm VERY familiar with THAT "disease" and don't speak from inexperience....
I am hoping that this time around...this "relapse" from my unhealthy life-style will be "the" last relapse and that I'll be able to "stay on the wagon" and maintain my healthy eating and exercise "habit". I will have to put into place some "danger" signals to warn me and my husband when I'm going off track...
BUT, as you mentioned, sometimes illnesses get in the way of our "healthy" routine...BUT, we should try our best IF we can't exercise, than at least only consume the amount of calories and nutrition that our bodies really need during the recovery of an illness. I know it's easier said than done but requires a VERY conscious effort and DESIRE not to re-gain the weight we've previously lost. Good luck and thank you for your question and I hope I've answered it in a way that might help you or others. I worry that I'm opening myself up to criticism...I'm usually very thin-skinned and easily put off by judgmental comments so I hope I don't get too many of those.....:)

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Reclaiming my health

Post by nchasan » May 7th, 2009, 10:34 am

Starting out at about 205, in early January I hit the ERG for the first time. I went as hard as I could for as long as I could and was incredulous to see that I had managed all of ten minutes. Not really knowing how it use the machine also meant that I managed to row 1500m. Gradually, reading the blogs and trying different strategies, I eventually found that the most efficient workout for me to lose weight is a 10K with 30 second to 1 minute sprints every 10 minutes or so, and a hard finish of an all out effort the last 250 to 500 m.

I try to row 5 days a week, do an occasional half marathon on the weekend, and I lift weights (kettlebells) a couple days a week.

I have trimmed my diet which means that I eat less, and eat more carefully. so little or no rice, pasta, bread, potatoes or dairy, more fresh fruit and veg and lean meats. Mostly it means no more than one glass of wine with dinner.

In four months my health status improved dramatically. From 205 to 181, blood chemistry normal. Blood pressure, normal, VO2Max above average by a lot. The back pain I started with has subsided, and I sleep like a baby.

For me, this is a four year project all in. My goal is 1,000,000 hard meters a year, year in and year out - I would like to hit 170 next, then 160 and finally 150.

I find that checking in on this board regularly really helps motivate me to push on. so thanks to all the posters who take time to share their thoughts here. The accountability of having a person push you to soldier on even though they are a stranger, is still as powerful as having a work out buddy, which I have two days a week. But this board is key!
Check out my sports physical therapy blog at srcpt.com/blog


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Post by iain » May 7th, 2009, 11:21 am

Congratulations on a great start. I think you are being pessimistic with 1mm pa. 1 HM a month, rowing a 10k an average of 4 days a week, you could take 5 weeks off and still make 2mm, get caught up in the distance challenges or hooked on the "meterboards" run by several clubs including my own and you may do significantly more if you keep it up.

I look forward to hearing of your continued success.

- Iain
56, lightweight in pace and by gravity. Currently training 3-4 times a week after a break to slowly regain the pitiful fitness I achieved a few years ago. Free Spirit, come join us http://www.freespiritsrowing.com/forum/

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Thanks so much for featuring my story in your success storie

Post by luzoradrianne@yahoo.com » May 29th, 2009, 10:50 am

Dear Meredith,
Thank you so much for featuring my story in your success stories....
I'm truly excited to share my story and my gym has decided to feature my in their upcoming promotional video...they were very impressed that I've gotten the definition in my arms that I've gotten with rowing and not doing any type of weight lifting. I'll post a link to the video when it's done and I will push concept2! :)

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Weight loss from Dec 07 till today

Post by slwiser » June 7th, 2009, 9:22 am

Hello All; as a was of introduction I posted a thread in the general sub-forum about ordering my Concept2 but here is my story.

I was ~300 lbs back in Dec 07. I was sick and had gotten to where I could barely exercise at all using my Airdyne stationary cycle. I could get on and after 3 minutes have a tightness in my chest where I would almost have to stop. I would get off and just push with my arms along the side. After about five more minutes of this get back on an finish a very low intensity exercise of about 30 minutes.

In Feb 08 I had a nuclear stress test on the treadmill. After about 5-6 minutes they said get off cause I was having those symptoms I have at home on the Airdyne. They told me they wanted me to get to the hospital. I had a quadruple bypass after this.

Cardio Rehad started on May 1st 08. At this time I was down to about 256 lbs. Here they put me on the treadmill, Airdyne and Newstep machines for the legs. I also did a couple of arm exercise per protocol between those. In Dec 08 I started some weight training for strength in the arms and legs. I keep seeing a couple of machines over in the corner that were hardly ever used. These were called rowing machines and they were made Concept2. Now I am down to about 215 with my clothes on at Cardio Rehab.

About May 1st 09 time frame I was curious enough to ask about those machines over in the corner having been exiled to their maintenance program from the primary program from which I was extended for several months beyond their normal time by keeping my head down. They finally caught up with me so I had to move on to make room for others needing more help.

I started on their Concept 2 about a week later simply moving on it for very few minutes at a time. I began to really appreciate the workout that it was giving me. It was more complete and full bodied. At the end of the month of May I order my very own Concept 2E machine and it was delivered about 10 days later. I have had it about a week now. On Friday I did 60 minutes and it registered 12651 meters for that period.

I have a lot to learn as far as technique but at ~210 lbs after a shower I still need to loose 20-25 lbs more which I would like to before Christmas 09. At least get down below 200 anyway.

My total distance since starting the Concept 2 at cardio rehab is now just over 50,000 meters in just over a month. At cardio rehab I attempt to get in a 5K. I have been on the Concept 2 now about 10 times beyond those early initial get acquainted times.
Last edited by slwiser on June 7th, 2009, 9:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
215 lbs & 5'-9.5".61YO. 8.0MM+ and counting, Dynamic C2
Free Spirits Internet Rowing Team, http://www.freespiritsrowing.com/
Exercise Journal:http://www.cardiacathletes.org.uk/forums/showthread.php?1213-Steve-s-Exercise-Blog

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Re: Weight loss from Dec 07 till today

Post by slwiser » June 7th, 2009, 9:25 am

I just attempted an edit and did a double post, sorry.
215 lbs & 5'-9.5".61YO. 8.0MM+ and counting, Dynamic C2
Free Spirits Internet Rowing Team, http://www.freespiritsrowing.com/
Exercise Journal:http://www.cardiacathletes.org.uk/forums/showthread.php?1213-Steve-s-Exercise-Blog

Bob S.
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Post by Bob S. » June 23rd, 2009, 4:54 pm

phobolypse wrote:I'm down from the 30 BMI to  26 now!!! Wooooo I'm not losing weight though, I'm still hovering around 158 but oh well!
??? BMI is based on the ratio of weight to height. The only way that it would be possible to reduce BMI and remain at the same weight would be to gain in height. How did you do that??

Bob S.

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excerpt of my gym video is on Youtube.com...I'm rowing on co

Post by luzoradrianne@yahoo.com » August 5th, 2009, 3:09 pm

Hi Meredith,

Here's and excerpt of my gym video is on Youtube.com...I'm rowing on concept 2 at the 3 minute 3second mark of the video...green top....
I'm hoping to get my hands on the full-length video soon where I give props to concept 2 and will forward to you when I get it.
Hope all is well!


