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Rowpro in broadcast mode

Posted: May 15th, 2006, 12:24 am
by snowitall
Video of Rowpro racing software running in Broadcast mode, where the camera cuts to different angle shots during the race, following all the competitors.

I usually don't use broadcast mode, but did for this 2k time trial. I find it a little confusing at times, especially when racing against my previous self. The video shows nicely how broadcast mode works for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

Posted: May 15th, 2006, 2:19 pm
by rowan
Nice row, steady splits and then a strong finish.
Would be nice to see average pace on the tv.
Thanks for posting.

Posted: May 24th, 2006, 4:55 am
by Tyn
Hi snowital

This is great!
Your rowing and the video

I know now what want for x-mas!!


Posted: May 24th, 2006, 11:27 am
by johnlvs2run
Nice video. Thanks for sharing.

It would be good if RP showed the meters behind or ahead of the pace boat.

I wonder if you can set the figures to go at a certain spm.

Posted: May 24th, 2006, 11:55 am
by michaelb
When racing online, RP shows the meters ahead or behind you for all other boats (up to 7 other rowers).

You can set a pace boat to row any SR you want, any pace, etc. You can set up complicated pace boats that change the SR and Pace duing the row. When online rowing however, you do not see the actual SR of the other boats since that is not transmitted as part of the old erow protocol.