Polar H9 issues: displaying low heart rate and negative trending rate

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Re: Polar H9 issues: displaying low heart rate and negative trending rate

Post by Tsnor » May 13th, 2024, 9:41 am

gvcormac wrote:
May 11th, 2024, 7:13 am
I do think the H9 in inordinately sensitive to the belt.
The polar h10 ships with a more electrically sensitive belt than the h9.

Polar says the h10 belt (pro belt) works fine on the h9.

If you decide to replace your belt then get the pro H10 belt. It'll be an upgrade. Amazon has them for $30.

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Re: Polar H9 issues: displaying low heart rate and negative trending rate

Post by HornetMaX » May 13th, 2024, 10:02 am

Tsnor wrote:
May 13th, 2024, 9:41 am
gvcormac wrote:
May 11th, 2024, 7:13 am
I do think the H9 in inordinately sensitive to the belt.
The polar h10 ships with a more electrically sensitive belt than the h9.

Polar says the h10 belt (pro belt) works fine on the h9.

If you decide to replace your belt then get the pro H10 belt. It'll be an upgrade. Amazon has them for $30.
I have my 2nd pro belt on the H9, yes they do work together.
I didn't notice any improvement over the regular (non-pro) belt: comfort wasn't a problem for me even with the cheaper belt, HR accuracy improvement is marginal (according to polar paper, if I recall correctly). BIt easier to put on, but that's minor IMO.

I was hoping the pro belt to last longer but my 1st one failed after only 6 months. The 2nd one is on its 5th month and counting, we'll see.
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Re: Polar H9 issues: displaying low heart rate and negative trending rate

Post by gvcormac » May 13th, 2024, 1:43 pm

Tsnor wrote:
May 13th, 2024, 9:41 am
gvcormac wrote:
May 11th, 2024, 7:13 am
I do think the H9 in inordinately sensitive to the belt.
The polar h10 ships with a more electrically sensitive belt than the h9.

Polar says the h10 belt (pro belt) works fine on the h9.

If you decide to replace your belt then get the pro H10 belt. It'll be an upgrade. Amazon has them for $30.
Sorry, not going to throw good money after bad. A decade or so ago, I could buy a T34 with a wrist receiver for $30. Never had a problem with the belt. I'm not inclined to pay that for the chance that it might address the problem. My Coospo and Garmin HRMs don't have a problem with their belts. Nor do my surviving T31 and T34 transmitters.

On an older Polar transmitter, I replaced the sealed-in battery using a scalpel, followed by a plastic patch. I'll do that again if I need to -- to maintain compatibility with my legacy treadmill and elliptical and PM3.

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Re: Polar H9 issues: displaying low heart rate and negative trending rate

Post by Tsnor » May 13th, 2024, 3:16 pm

gvcormac wrote:
May 13th, 2024, 1:43 pm

Sorry, not going to throw good money after bad...
Post was to give you information, not tell you what to do.

If you decide not to get a replacement belt for the h9 module you can sell the h9 module for $30-$40 on ebay.

Or you can try a non-polar belt for the h9, they sell for $10-15 and COOSPO makes one (currently 5/2024 out of stock). https://www.amazon.com/Coospo-Monitor-R ... B0895NLPVM.

Throwing the h9 in the trash seems a waste.

Good luck whatever you do.

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