My RowPro App. Online with Oarbits?

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My RowPro App. Online with Oarbits?

Post by Sean65 » July 26th, 2022, 1:36 am

Hi all. I am fairly new to rowing, but thought I would try out the above app on my IPad. I have a subscription to RowPro, but while they are sorting out version 6.0, thought the app may be worth ago. So I went to the Oarbits sections and joined an event, or so I thought. But then what? There seems no way to actually row it, just the list of names who have also joined, or am I missing something obvious. I think I was expecting at the allotted time for a different screen to appear, but no. Any advice would be welcome please. I am sure it is just me, but having tried the pace boats off line on Row Pro, even they give rowing a more competitive element.

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Re: My RowPro App. Online with Oarbits?

Post by euronthomas » August 7th, 2022, 5:47 am

If I remember rightly, Oarbits is for setting up and finding online rows, which you then join and row through the Oarbits section of RowPro. You don’t actually row in Oarbits.

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