I have used ergdata on my Concept 2 rower in the past with no issues. I have a PM3 monitor and connect to my phone with the USB cable. In the past this has worded well for me.
I use a Bluetooth HR monitor linked to my phone to record heartrate in ergdata (if that is relevant).
However, I tried again yesterday after installing the app again. I managed to log in and all the workouts from my online logbook synced to the logbook in the app. During the workout all the stats were displayed in ergdata. When I completed the workout I was asked in the app if I was done. I selected yes but it just continued to display "Workout in progress". I got asked this more than once. The workout does not display in the ergdata logbook but is listed on the PM3.
After this I started a new workout and rowed for 2 min. It took ergdata a couple of seconds to register a workout had started but then displayed all the information as normal. When I stopped rowing I again got clicked yes when asked "Are you finished rowing". However, this time the "workout" was not visible on my ergdata logbook or on the PM3.
Does anyone have anything I can try besides logging out and trying again?
Ergdata workouts not saved
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