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Finally a Marathon Mug!

Posted: February 27th, 2008, 1:34 pm
by ckaiserca

Posted: February 27th, 2008, 2:55 pm
by Slothful1

I kept forgetting to report on the other thread that mine arrived last week. Total of about 8 weeks wait including Christmas period and 3 week postal delay from US to South Africa, which is about the same total as the previous mugs.

Still a satisfied C2 customer! :D


Re: Finally a Marathon Mug!

Posted: February 27th, 2008, 4:12 pm
by Citroen
ckaiserca wrote:Image
Nice. Such a shame you couldn't find a nice decent warm brown beer to go in it.

I have three marathon mugs.

Re: Finally a Marathon Mug!

Posted: February 27th, 2008, 5:09 pm
by ckaiserca
Citroen wrote: Nice. Such a shame you couldn't find a nice decent warm brown beer to go in it.

I have three marathon mugs.
Uggg! I have no problem with brown beer or even stout that borders on black. However, beer should never be warm! Perhaps celler temperature, but never warm. And Czechvar (sold as Budvar in some areas of the world) is probably one of the finest Lager beers in the world. It's the beer that Budweiser wishes it could be.

I'll have more Marathon Mugs someday. But this is my first, so it's kind of special.

Re: Finally a Marathon Mug!

Posted: February 27th, 2008, 6:18 pm
by Citroen
ckaiserca wrote: I'll have more Marathon Mugs someday. But this is my first, so it's kind of special.
Forget the beer, brown or otherwise. That's the quote of the day for me.

Re: Finally a Marathon Mug!

Posted: February 28th, 2008, 8:31 pm
by Mr. Wu
ckaiserca wrote:Image

from my Flickr Photostream

Are those the cut-outs from the seat pad that I see on the bookshelf? Are you keeping them for some reason? :D

Re: Finally a Marathon Mug!

Posted: February 28th, 2008, 9:04 pm
by ckaiserca
Mr. Wu wrote:

Are those the cut-outs from the seat pad that I see on the bookshelf? Are you keeping them for some reason? :D
Thanks! And yes, those are the cutouts from the seat pad. I find that sometimes I have to use them as an extra cushion when I row, so I keep them handy for hot spots.

Re: Finally a Marathon Mug!

Posted: February 28th, 2008, 9:16 pm
by Mr. Wu
ckaiserca wrote: Thanks! And yes, those are the cutouts from the seat pad. I find that sometimes I have to use them as an extra cushion when I row, so I keep them handy for hot spots.
Extra cushioning, that makes sense. I'd better find my cut-outs sometime for my marathon attempt. They are probably under the couch. Of course, living with two cats, I can never expect them to be stacked neatly somewhere like yours.

Congrats again on your swanky mug. I hope I'll get my first one sometime this year.

Re: Finally a Marathon Mug!

Posted: February 29th, 2008, 8:43 am
by ancho
Mr. Wu wrote:...
Are those the cut-outs from the seat pad that I see on the bookshelf? Are you keeping them for some reason? :D
Now, that IS a detailed picture analysis :lol:

Nice pic, congrats on the mug.

I really love (cool) Czech beer!
Best thing that can happen to a marathon (or any) mug!:D