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I-Pod Stupid...Please Help

Posted: January 30th, 2008, 7:26 pm
by Elissa
I am currently using and old Rio Arm player that has the same music on it from two years ago. I am doing 45 to 60 minute pieces so I really need to change it up... AND SOON... before I loose my motivation to continue or die of boredom. My previous employer gave me a 30GB Ipod and I plan to begin using it instead. (It even has my name engraved on it... isn't that sweet.)

1) It seems too big to be comfortable on my arm but it seems silly to purchase a new one when I haven't even tried this one yet. What is best way to wear it while rowing? Is there a good arm strap that I can purchase? What are the best ear phones? The ones that came with it will get jerked loose within the first 50 meters but I don't want the rigid over the head kind either.

2) Is there anyway to avoid using the i-tunes software that has to be downloaded. We just got a new desktop and my husband is strongly against loading any unnessesary software onto the computer. Understandably he is concerned about the little cyber-gremlins that seem to build up over time and slow down the system. It seems like every website these days requires a download of some sort.

3) I spent several frustrating hours this morning trying to find music that appeals to me for exercise. (Issue #2 above probably made this worse.) I checked out a couple of the websites suggested on this forum that recommend pre-made exercise mixes but so many of the lists seemed too techno/dance club for me. I like lyrics. (For example, I really like Creed's "Six Feet From the Edge", Days of The New's "The Down Town" and Blue Rodeo's "Five Days in May". FDIM is awesome once you get to the last several minutes of the song.) Can someone recommend a good list that is more like the songs above?

4) When I did find a website that allowed me to download songs without downloading their software there was no option for 'sampling' the songs. The entire song had to be downloaded, therefore defeating my goal of not junking up my harddrive.

I appologize for being so wordy but I am new to the ipod in's and out's. So many people are using them that I must be making it too difficult. Any advice would be very helpful.

Posted: January 30th, 2008, 8:11 pm
by Ducatista
I row with a 30GB 5G iPod. I wear shorts with deep pockets, and just shove the iPod in, no case or clip. Works great. I use Sony in-ear buds for headphones. Excellent (probably excessive) bass response, which helps with the rowing, I've found. B)

You'll need iTunes. And you'll want it. Without custom playlists, the iPod is nothing more than a pocket jukebox, big deal. With custom playlists, you can soundtrack your life. Outstanding.

I've subscribed to for several years and love it. You can browse songs before downloading, and there's no annoying file protection, so you can do whatever you want with the music you download. The selection isn't as broad as on the Apple store or Amazon (no Creed, for example, but some Blue Rodeo), but it's AWESOME in certain areas. Though now that I think about it, my favorites (ambient, downtempo, latin pop, latin jazz) don't offer much in the lyrics department...

Is your iPod a 5G (video)? If so, you should download at least one TV episode from the iTunes Music Store. Doesn't matter what... you just need to experience the novelty of holding tiny people in the palm of your hand. Video's a big battery suck, though, so I don't indulge in it often.

Have fun!

Posted: January 30th, 2008, 9:06 pm
by tbartman
I know you said you don't want the hard over-the-head headphones, but I have a pair by Sennheiser that are bright green with some reflective strip on them. I think I got them at the local Apple store. The ends fit into the ear, and the band runs behind your neck and they are outstandingly comfortable and good sounding. Best yet, they are highly water resistant and will not come out with exercise. I use them to run even in the rain, and they're perfect, and I use them to erg sometimes and they are great for that too (although usually I listen to my iPod through a stereo when I row).

Go to ... sid=500504 to check them out.


p.s. I understand about not wanting unneeded software, but iTunes works so well, it is really necessary. My dad (70 years old) is such a fuddy-duddy about this that he complains when he can't do things he wants to with his computer even though it is ten years old, runs Windows 98, doesn't have USB ports, has 128 MB of memory ...

Posted: January 30th, 2008, 9:31 pm
by Elissa
Hi. Thanks for the tips. I was kind of expecting to hear that I would need to download I-tunes. I'll check out eMusic too though.

My ipod is the kind that plays movies. That will come in handy on longer flights and car rides so I'm looking forward to learning to use it.

Both options for headphones sound good. I like the idea of the Sennheiser set a lot b/c they look like they would stay in place and are light. The reason I wanted to avoid over the head type earphones is they tend to fall off my head. The only prob with the Sennheiser's is they are pricey. Even on amazon they are $38. I am having to be pretty frugal right now. My husband and I are both unemployed. We just got home from an 8 month sailing trip in the islands and are watching the pennies till we have jobs again.

I'm still hoping that other people chime in on a good method for finding music lists that suit them. After wasting so much time this morning (time I should have been job-hunting) I am not looking forward to the daunting task of trying to learn the i-tunes website, learn how to use the i-pod AND sort through all the music. Don't mean to sound pessimistic, just don't like to sit in front of a computer all day! :?

Posted: January 30th, 2008, 10:55 pm
by Ducatista
If you haven't yet checked out the Music to Row By thread, give it a look. It's an oldie but a goodie.

All three of my primary digital music sources — eMusic, the iTunes store, Amazon — have some sort of "if you like this, try this..." feature. Each of those sites allows you to preview songs, so that can be a good place to start: plug in a few of your favorite artists, and sample some of the site's alternate recommendations. I've discovered some of my favorite artists that way on eMusic.

I use those music sources in different ways, btw. I do most of my digital digging on eMusic. I turn to the iTunes store for video, or for a quick download of a single song I need to have RIGHT THIS MINUTE. And I go to Amazon for good ol' CDs, which I then import into iTunes. I'd say at least half of my iTunes library was ripped from CD.

Posted: January 30th, 2008, 11:03 pm
by Ducatista
Wait a minute... why am I helping you? You just got back from an eight-month sailing trip in the islands! :?

Posted: January 31st, 2008, 12:13 am
by michaelb
You will need itunes to sync music to the ipod, so you do need to download that. I assume you bought a PC and not a mac (which is too bad really).

Do you have CDs you like? The obvious, fast, easy way to get music on your ipod is to rip it in itunes yourself [insert cd, select import in itunes]. You don't have to buy music unless you want to do that.

I also had a membership at emusic, and liked it a lot, and got a lot of great tunes. But I had to stop after a year, I couldn't keep up and listen to all that new stuff each month. I will probably join again to start again. The "problem" with emusic for your purposes is that it is not seamless to import those tunes onto your ipod, you still have to go through the steps (easy, but still several extra steps) of adding those to your itunes library. Buying music off the itunes store is very easy (and comes with cover art).

If you have a c2 at home, I think having powered speakers is a much better idea that headphones. I can just crank up the tunes and not worry about knocking them off my head. Otherwise, headphones are pretty personal you should pick out something that works for you. I have gotten used to the apple supplied earbuds in the end. Some form of belt/waist mount would work better for rowing to me than an armband (there are endless cases available for ipods).

Posted: February 1st, 2008, 3:31 pm
by rwj0j0
my thoughts exactly... screw the headphones... speakers are way better.
something that rocks too... like 100 watts per channel or better.
Cerwin Vega make a good choice for speakers for rowing...
I have a pair of D-8's. They rock

Posted: March 1st, 2008, 7:56 pm
by wiseleyb
Unless you bought a $0.25 computer iTunes isn't going to fill your computer up and it's impossible to get a virus usng iTunes - you'll get viruses downloading free music is you're not careful though. I'm a programmer and would say that the two apps that are essential: a browser (use firefox if you're really worried about viruses) and itunes. Seems silly to have a computer and not put anything on it.

iTunes is also a great way to find music, it's completely idiot proof.

Add a $49 iPod Shuffle, which is so light that you can just clip it to your shirt and not even notice it, and you're good to go.

Sailing trip... nice - I've got one of those coming up :)

Posted: March 2nd, 2008, 6:40 pm
by Tyn
Just 'jailbreak' your Iphone or touch and you will be in the clear!

or try seeqpod!!

or Ibeer!