Strange things one does while erging....

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Strange things one does while erging....

Post by 1xx » November 26th, 2007, 9:48 am

Ok - I have been on this forum (as a reader mostly) and actively erging for over 6 years, and was amused last night as I slogged through my 4th row of the 07 Holiday Challenge and thought about some of my strange habits.... here are a couple of my eccentric rowing "habits". I was curious if it was just me or if any one else would share theirs ;-)

In no particular order:

1) For some strange reason I try never to watch the meters pass 666, 1666, 2666 etc... no clue why...bad luck - I just look away.

2) I tend to pace myself by looking forward to the 1111, 2222, 3333 etc.. as I move either up or down to my goal depending on the workout.

3) I usually calculate the middle 500 of whatever the workout and think of it as being in the belly of the beast... so in a 2k 1250-750 to go... Usually try and consider this is where the piece is made or lost. Not usually true but hey.

4) No matter how tired I am after a piece I always upload my results and then tend to spend time looking at my log - checking the forum etc...

5) I never read the forum or go on C2 unless I have been on the erg within a day or 2. It feels like cheating if I read about other's erging if I have not... This of course results in long periods of ignoring the site, as I tend to erg in spurts.. moving to running, otw rowing or biking or slugging at different times.

6) I hate when I realize I forgot to clean the rail and I have started a workout...

7) When doing a long workout I always imagine myself "turning around" at the half way point and heading home.

8) I will frequently row the last 2k in a long piece and imagine myself in a race... not pulling harder usually just thinking it through as I go.

9) While rowing I sometimes find myself thinking back to my first timed piece... 1986 - a model A I think... it had the speedometer... and I did a 2500 meter piece as that was the norm. I can still remember the hell I went through during that workout... and the humor of starting having no clue how hard this was going to be.. (yes my time sucked, and no I am not sharing ;-)

10) During timed pieces I have worked through many "I am going to stop" moments... I think I have stopped maybe 3 times in my life and there is NOTHING that feels worse.

So am I the only one or is someone else going to share! ;-)

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Joined: March 17th, 2006, 7:45 am

Post by runr/rowr » November 28th, 2007, 2:02 pm

I am good for 7 out of the 10, I am sure we are not the only two.
I too also run, and I only read alot on here when I am injured from running. When I dont row as much as I run, I feel I am not worthy of reading all the good stuff on here. I am injured right now from running and I am pretty bummed. But very thankful I can switch to rowing to keep me in shape.

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Post by icomefrombirmingham » December 2nd, 2007, 5:29 pm

I share your #7 but think of rowing to the top of a hill at the half way point and rowing downhill for the second half.

I do all sorts of mental arithmetic and check my accuracy against the monitor. I blame the errors, or the slow calculation speed, on oxygen deficiency and am constantly amazed at how oxygen deficient a man can get....and still keep rowing.

6'2.5", 228lbs[img][/img]

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