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C2E Footstraps

Posted: December 19th, 2014, 8:05 pm
by Romper
My foot straps keep on coming loose during a rowing session - no matter how tight i tighten them up.

What can i do to ensure tightening tension in these straps do not come loose?


Re: C2E Footstraps

Posted: December 19th, 2014, 8:18 pm
by gregsmith01748
I have some seemingly stupid advice for you.

Try to do some rowing without the footstraps. I have heard some cases where the footstraps have been so badly worn that they wouldn't stay tight no matter what, but in general, this tends to indicate a problem in your rowing technique.

You should be able to row up to about 30 strokes per minute without straps. It forces you to finish each stroke strongly with your arms, and then more gently slide back up to the catch.

Re: C2E Footstraps

Posted: December 19th, 2014, 8:30 pm
by Romper
THansk .

This model is brand new, so i am hoping the footsteps are new as well with no wear.

Will try without straps.


Re: C2E Footstraps

Posted: December 19th, 2014, 8:32 pm
by Citroen
Romper wrote: What can i do to ensure tightening tension in these straps do not come loose?
Loop the strap back through the buckle. Here's a crude diagram.

Re: C2E Footstraps

Posted: December 19th, 2014, 9:22 pm
by Romper
thanks Citroen

wil try

Re: C2E Footstraps

Posted: December 20th, 2014, 5:39 am
by hjs
gregsmith01748 wrote:I have some seemingly stupid advice for you.

Try to do some rowing without the footstraps. I have heard some cases where the footstraps have been so badly worn that they wouldn't stay tight no matter what, but in general, this tends to indicate a problem in your rowing technique.

You should be able to row up to about 30 strokes per minute without straps. It forces you to finish each stroke strongly with your arms, and then more gently slide back up to the catch.
Indeed, its the pulling that does it, strapless will prevent this. Doing warm ups, cool down, easier session strapless. I bet you now can,t row strapless. Its not hard to learn.

Re: C2E Footstraps

Posted: December 24th, 2014, 11:56 pm
by Hollywood_Kuma

I find this happens mainly on gym machines where the straps are worn. C2 sell sets of new straps very cheaply via the C2 online shop - I think for around five bucks, so replacing the straps is the first thing to try.

The diagram Citroen kindly supplied is helpful. Sometimes the straps are not correctly fitted. They can also be installed the wrong way around, so check this also.

For some people strapless rowing works, but I tried it and it didn't work for me. Like you, I also need the straps, and I need them tight.

Re: C2E Footstraps

Posted: December 26th, 2014, 9:46 pm
by jackarabit
Not unlike training wheels and pontoons, you may need straps today and in a few months not so much or at all. Presumably Concept 2 considers them a useful device for binding feet to stretcher. There are better ways to stop and reverse bodily momentum than pulling with the feet at recovery yet those who develop the skeleto-muscular mastery of strapless rowing contine to race, TT, PB etc. strapped down. No wrong answers except the ones you don't want to hear. Jack