Another newbie saying hello...

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Another newbie saying hello...

Post by DaveNagy » September 12th, 2007, 5:10 pm

Hello. :)

Actually, I'm still whatever one is before they become a newbie. A proto-newbie, perhaps? I ordered my Model D w/PM4 the day before yesterday, but I won't receive it for while yet.

I'm anxious to start rowing, and I'm really hoping I will get "hooked" on it. The rower will do me no good if I don't use it regularly. I'm a computer geek, so I'm hoping all the tracking and logging doo-dads will help keep me interested and entertained while I wait to become "addicted". ;)

Info about me: My name's Dave, I'm 45, married with no kids. I work in the software industry and have become very sedentary over the last 5 years or so. I'm about 5' 11" and currently weigh 196lbs. That's very high for me. I was 145 in college, and about 165 up until the last few years. I hit 185, panicked, and dieted back down to 160. I did a lot of walking during that stint. I held that weight for a while, and then relaxed. (And injured my foot.) My weight has shot up to new heights this past year. (202 was the highest I've seen.)

I developed plantar fasciitis in my right foot, probably from all the walking I was doing on pavement. It's much better now, but I still have to baby it a bit. I also have my mother's (bad) knees, so running is pretty much out of the question. My doc keeps telling me to get some aerobic exercise. So, rowing it is! I tend to get bored when doing "easy" exercises, so the prospect that I will eventually be able to burn impressive numbers of calories in just 30 minutes or so is very appealing. Let's hope I get to that point.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. This appears to be a nice forum.

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Post by PaulH » September 13th, 2007, 4:38 pm

Welcome Dave! We're a bit of a family, and just like a family we have a mad old uncle or two, and a few irritating children, and of course one or two moderators to delete spam. OK, maybe that last bit isn't like a family.

Good luck with your proto-addiction :)

Cheers, Paul

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Post by ckaiserca » September 13th, 2007, 5:39 pm

Welcome Dave!

You will get addicted sooner than you think! I've only had my erg since June, and I am closing in quickly on my first million meters.
Started with my Model D on June 11, 2007
M 46 6'2" (1.87m) 233lbs (105.9kg)

Rowing for Eight Million!

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Post by DaveNagy » September 13th, 2007, 9:49 pm

Wow, a million meters in around 4 months? I don't yet have a very good feel for how "big" a million meters is, but that sounds impressive. Let's see, a million meters is 1000 kilometers, which is well over 600 miles... Yep, that sounds like quite a bit. There's a T-shirt in your future, right?

I just got the UPS tracking info from C2. Looks like I'll be rowing in about a week!

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