Rowing commercial

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Rowing commercial

Post by DavidA » March 20th, 2007, 4:41 pm

In keeping with March Madness I was watching some of the games while I was doing my erging.
There was Red Bull commercial with rowing B)
It was pretty funny. It was drawn, not real rowers, and 2 members of one crew were talking about being in the Boat Race, but were concerned that they were going to lose. One said to the other "don't worry, I gave the other team Red Bull to drink." His friend said "what, you gave them Red Bull!? Now we'll really lose." The first one says back "don't worry, I only gave it the rowers on one side." Then you see the other teams shell spinning around. :P :P

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Re: Rowing commercial

Post by Tom Barrick » March 21st, 2007, 5:16 am

DavidA wrote:In keeping with March Madness I was watching some of the games while I was doing my erging.
There was Red Bull commercial with rowing B)
It was pretty funny. It was drawn, not real rowers, and 2 members of one crew were talking about being in the Boat Race, but were concerned that they were going to lose. One said to the other "don't worry, I gave the other team Red Bull to drink." His friend said "what, you gave them Red Bull!? Now we'll really lose." The first one says back "don't worry, I only gave it the rowers on one side." Then you see the other teams shell spinning around. :P :P

:lol: :lol: :lol: Cute.
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Post by Alissa » March 21st, 2007, 9:28 am

It's a very cute commercial...I have it on Tivo, but can't seem to find it online. I saw it on NBC, they had it on the Tonight Show.


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Post by Tyn » March 21st, 2007, 11:57 am

Couldn't find it either David!

Sounds "cute"!!

How is the March Madness Going??

I'm at about 137.000 or something!

At least rowing 5k every day and a couple of 10k!

Where are you? little new contest? or are you to far ahead?

Would be nice to have a link to the commercial!!

BTW it's spring!!........ and snowing!!

global warming???

I don't think so!!

Gentlemen!! let's start your engines!!!

and heat things up!!


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Post by TabbRows » March 21st, 2007, 12:30 pm

I cracked up at this commercial. Looks like the "fast" boat can't get out of the chop chop turn drill. That part would make a great avatar. However, it's not up on the Red Bull site or You-Tube. Have To keep checking.

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Post by DavidA » March 21st, 2007, 3:38 pm

Tyn wrote: How is the March Madness Going??

I'm at about 137.000 or something!
I think I am about 155 km for March.
Tyn wrote:Where are you? little new contest? or are you to far ahead?
I am always up for sort of contest. Too far ahead of what or who?

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Post by Tyn » March 21st, 2007, 4:09 pm


It's tou..


I hope to catch up!!

recount ,......

It's only 18k

I will catch you

Take it easy David


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Post by DavidA » March 21st, 2007, 4:22 pm

Tyn wrote: I will catch you
Not if there is cheese, or ice cream, on the line :P :lol:

63 y / 70 kg / 172 cm / 5 kids / 17 grandkids :)
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Post by Tyn » March 23rd, 2007, 5:15 am

No cheese, no ice cream, no beer

Just you and me, David!!


"We keep you alive to serve this ship. So row well and live."

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