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A Well of Tears

Posted: August 12th, 2006, 4:02 am
by GeorgeD
Having one of those quiet cerebral moments this evening I was contemplating sport as a 'Well of Tears' constantly being refilled with the triumphs and tragedies that litter the landscape of this most primal of endeavours - competition. Competition which is at once both with others and with ourselves .... I for one find this a fascinating and moving event.

Sitting there tonight eating a burger and reading a book (about the TDF 2004) and finding myself getting caught up in the human element, getting choked up by both the highs and lows and wondering if anyone near by noticed the welling of tears in my eyes as I allowed myself to get drawn into the 'wonder' of how the human body can be driven to such extremes by desires, some base some inspiring but in each case often unshackling abilities and reserves as yet untapped, unexplored.

It is not uncommon for me to sit there and blub when I watch or read of events both triumph and tragedy. They dont have to be on the big stage, watching a plodder achieve a life long dream of just completing something beyond imagination at one point in their lives, maybe falling into the arms of a loved one at the point of exhaustion across the line or maybe standing in private contemplation of 'passage' into a new phase of life - no less motivating or inspiring than Armstrong obliterating the opposition on Alpe D'Huez in a display of primal ability that defies human limits.

Sport is filled with heroes and villains but all with a story that when observed with an open heart and mind can touch something deep inside .... I think that is great

Long may the 'Well of Tears' be filled

George :!:

Posted: August 12th, 2006, 9:10 pm
by PaulS
There's something to the pursuit and attaining of a dream I think.

There is a movie, The Worlds Fastest indian, about a countryman of yours, Burt Munro, that had a dream to make his Indian Mortorcycle the fastest in the world, and did.

Very different from what I was expecting, but a great story.

Posted: August 14th, 2006, 2:08 pm
by neilb

You ain't alone in this Big Fella.

Neil B.

Posted: August 14th, 2006, 2:37 pm
by Alissa
My eyes fill-up at the least emotional content...just the way it is! (Nice to hear that it's not just me... :) )
