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custom painted oars?
Posted: May 21st, 2006, 6:40 pm
by kazz
well im 17, and im looking into shells, oars, etc. and i was wondering if anyone offers custom oar painting? what i want is highly graphic (not like, gorey, but has alot of complexity). is there a place i can send my oars to be painted? or do i have to do it myself?
Posted: May 22nd, 2006, 3:26 am
by Andy Nield
Paint the background colo(u)r on to the spoon, then get vinyl stickers made up with your design and stick them on.
Posted: May 22nd, 2006, 11:49 am
by PaulS
Good advice from Andy, also get several sets of the vinyl graphic made up, as it will tend to get a bit roughed up over time.
How complex is this grahic, picture? There are custom patinters that can do some amazing stuff, with prices to match. If you do go that route, the best thing to do is probably going to be to deal with the blades alone, either remove them yourself or have them all done prior to final assembly.