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I feel guilty

Posted: May 8th, 2006, 11:46 pm
by brianric
I have to cut back on my rowing, and I feel guilty. New neighbor below me has their son sleeping in the living room, eliminating my early AM rows. I'm into the part of the year where I do a lot of walking to get ready for my annual 26.2 mile charity walk. The walking will have a bigger priority over rowing for the summer months. Anyone else cross train, and use rowing for just part of the year. BTW, I'm not an athlete, I row and walk for exercise and fun. And yes, I got the toy for walking (Garmin 205).

Re: I feel guilty

Posted: May 9th, 2006, 3:25 am
by rowan
Are you sure he can hear you down there, Brian? I wouldn't have thought your erging would disturb a neighbour. Maybe you're being too cautious, or are you certain it's a problem for the guy?
I like cross training. I'm not trying to maximise my potential in any particular sport so when I'm enjoying this or that activity, I go with it and don't beat myself up about the one's that are on the back burner.
It's fun "rediscovering" something after I haven't done it in a while. As long as I'm always doing something and keeping fit, I'm happy. Still, I try to keep at least erging and cycling going at all times...just that at any given time one will be going more than the other.
If I were you, I would try to get a few erg sessions a week in if you can. Seems a shame to entirely abandon it, unless you feel you'd enjoy a break.
I must say, the more I think about that guy downstairs disturbing your erging with his sleeping, the more I don't like it!

Posted: May 9th, 2006, 3:42 am
by brianric
Landlord mentioned it to me yesterday. They will only be there for a short period as they want a two bedroom apt. I don't plan on totally giving up rowing. During the summer months I'll do 5K a day three to five days a week. Novembr through March I'll be back to my 75K plus a week. I just now got to row in the afternoon until they move out. Usually my neighbors prefer I row in the early AM so they can watch TV in peace. The regular neighbors cannot hear me rowing from their bedrooms. I do have to get the walking in, or I get clobbered on September 18.

Posted: May 9th, 2006, 4:44 pm
by Tom Barrick
brianric wrote:Landlord mentioned it to me yesterday. They will only be there for a short period as they want a two bedroom apt. I don't plan on totally giving up rowing. During the summer months I'll do 5K a day three to five days a week. Novembr through March I'll be back to my 75K plus a week. I just now got to row in the afternoon until they move out. Usually my neighbors prefer I row in the early AM so they can watch TV in peace. The regular neighbors cannot hear me rowing from their bedrooms. I do have to get the walking in, or I get clobbered on September 18.
Hey, teammate, isn't there a "quiet kit" you can get for the erg to quell the sound of the chain/fan a bit? I remember reading about it on the forums of old. Not sure if that would solve your problem but it's certainly worth looking into. My family and I are moving at the end of the summer and now I'm considering the real possibility that neighbors might have a problem with my nighttime rowing habits!

Posted: May 9th, 2006, 4:56 pm
by brianric
tbarrick wrote: Hey, teammate, isn't there a "quiet kit" you can get for the erg to quell the sound of the chain/fan a bit? I remember reading about it on the forums of old. Not sure if that would solve your problem but it's certainly worth looking into. My family and I are moving at the end of the summer and now I'm considering the real possibility that neighbors might have a problem with my nighttime rowing habits!
It is just temporary until they find a two bedroom unit. I took today off, will be back in the saddle tomorrow, althoigh on a more limited scale, until they move. One thing in my favor is they can't stop me from rowing from 8 AM to 10 PM.

Posted: May 9th, 2006, 5:46 pm
by Tom Barrick
brianric wrote: It is just temporary until they find a two bedroom unit. I took today off, will be back in the saddle tomorrow, althoigh on a more limited scale, until they move. One thing in my favor is they can't stop me from rowing from 8 AM to 10 PM.
That would be one *heck* of a piece, Brian. :P