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ERGData output

Posted: March 14th, 2024, 4:56 am
by nimbuscile

I'm a new C2 owner (PM5) after deciding to upgrade my old V-Fit AR1. It was a little bit like getting out of a Renault Clio and into a Lexus to be honest.

Anyway, I've been using it for a couple of weeks now and wondered if someone could answer some questions.

I played the Fishing and Darts games which were recorded in ERGData but it didn't record the actual score! The data is kind of meaningless without the score and also doesn't give you any motivation to replay and 'beat your best'. Am I doing something wrong or is this just a design flaw?

Similarly, I tried the race option and was hoping it would create an NPC rower to race against. When it didn't do that, I at least hoped it would create my ghost so I could race against myself going forward, but again it doesn't seem to do any of that. Is this me missing something or is this how it's supposed to be?

I looked at ERGRace but I don't want to have my exercise time scheduled that precisely. I also looked at things like Kinomap to try and get a virtual row experience but I couldn't find any way of getting a rowing course to open and operate so I binned it off. Everything else seems to be on a monthly subscription level which I'm not willing to join. I live by a river and actually spend the BST months of the year on the water in a kayak. The rowing machine is to tide me over during the too cold/too much water months and to fill in should river levels rise too much at any other time of the kayak season. All this means that rowing is not my primary exercise source so paying for a rolling subscription doesn't seem worthwhile.

I used to do an interval run on my old machine of 1 minute 25spm 1 minute 38spm for 7 runs but I'm not sure how to set that up. Would that be Constant Intervals?

Re: ERGData output

Posted: March 14th, 2024, 6:31 am
by p_b82
Hi and Welcome,

I haven't played any of the games so I can't comment on that side of thing I'm afraid, but I use both ergdata and ergzone to program my sessions (prefer the way I can display the split specifics on ergzone when doing TT's even with a single fixed distance) - both are free.

If you enter a pace for the interval/distance/time, then you get the ghost boat to "race" on the PM5 (or ergdata).

I think it would be variable intervals in this case - if you want to set it up as different pace/SPM targets for the repeating sets; constant intervals would be 4x500m all at the same pace with the same rest period etc.

Re: ERGData output

Posted: March 15th, 2024, 5:25 am
by jamesg
Maybe you could use the ergdata Real Time Loop: ... -turns-one

1 minute 25spm 1 minute 38spm for 7 is a typical constant interval set as allowed by your PM. Press a few buttons to define type, time and rest time. Work done is then saved on PM and can be recalled and repeated.

Through Ergdata, WODs are also available.

Re: ERGData output

Posted: March 15th, 2024, 5:26 am
by nimbuscile
I installed ERGZone but it wouldn't work or open at all.

I tried to use the racing function last night but every time I pressed the button on the PM5 for the create race, it disconnected the phone and ERGData.

I'll have a go with the loop and see if I get anywhere with that.

Re: ERGData output

Posted: March 15th, 2024, 6:46 am
by p_b82
I'm pretty sure that the race function that is totally expected behaviour. ... acing-pm5s

Re: ERGData output

Posted: March 15th, 2024, 7:33 am
by Sakly
nimbuscile wrote:
March 14th, 2024, 4:56 am
I used to do an interval run on my old machine of 1 minute 25spm 1 minute 38spm for 7 runs but I'm not sure how to set that up. Would that be Constant Intervals?
To be honest, I don't get the sense of the programming at all. If you need no rest, if you want to row 14mins in one piece and only change the rate, why not doing exactly this?
Program 14mins time, set splits to one minute to log data accordingly and start your row with changing rate each minute. That's it 🤔

Re: ERGData output

Posted: March 15th, 2024, 7:58 am
by nimbuscile
Sakly wrote:
March 15th, 2024, 7:33 am
Program 14mins time, set splits to one minute to log data accordingly and start your row with changing rate each minute. That's it 🤔
I can set the splits to a minute fine but I can only set one spm rate for all of it. Obviously I can just ignore the red and keep going at the faster rate but it would be nice to be a bit more flexible with the device.

Re: ERGData output

Posted: March 15th, 2024, 9:01 am
by Sakly
nimbuscile wrote:
March 15th, 2024, 7:58 am
Sakly wrote:
March 15th, 2024, 7:33 am
Program 14mins time, set splits to one minute to log data accordingly and start your row with changing rate each minute. That's it 🤔
I can set the splits to a minute fine but I can only set one spm rate for all of it. Obviously I can just ignore the red and keep going at the faster rate but it would be nice to be a bit more flexible with the device.
Ah, ok, you are using a rate target in ergdata. Wasn't aware of that, never used it 😄
Probably a 5s rest between intervals would solve the issue. It does no harm and does not add much time to your workout.