Notice of FTC Settlement - 2019 Data Breach
Mon, Jul 4, 2022 9:43 pm
CafePress (
To:you Details
Dear Valued Customer,
We are contacting you about the 2019 breach of your information collected by the prior owners of CafePress. This notice is about that breach, which you may have already been notified of. We recently reached a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection agency, to resolve issues related to the 2019 data breach, and to make sure CafePress keeps your information safe.
What happened?
Before November 2019, CafePress didn't have reasonable practices to keep your information safe. When the company had a security breach, the following information about you may have been stolen: your email address, password, name, address, phone number, answers to your security questions, and the expiration date and last four digits of your credit card.
What you can do to protect yourself
Here are some steps to reduce the risk of identity theft and protect your information online:
1. Use different passwords for different accounts. That way, if one account is hacked or has a data breach, your other accounts will be safer. And if you've reused your CafePress password or security questions on other websites, be sure to change them right away.
2. Consider a password manager. These are apps that store and manage strong, unique passwords and security questions for all the sites you use. Search independent review sites to find a free or paid password manager that works for you.
3. Use multi-factor authentication when it's an option. Multi-factor authentication can help secure your account by requiring two or more ways to verify it's you before granting access to your account. This security feature makes it much harder for people to take advantage of stolen passwords or answers to security questions.
4. Learn more from the Federal Trade Commission at or at
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at, at 1.844.988.0030 or reply to this email. Learn more about the settlement at ... each-cover.
Chris Klingebiel
General Manager, CafePress
Anyone who has ordered Concept 2 challenge buttons, souvenirs or apparel in the past will be thrilled to hear of a personal data breach coverup three yrs. AFTER it occurred! Anyone considering ordering from CafePress in future should closely assess the risk of ordering from new ownership!