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15" TV on Concept2 D

Posted: March 30th, 2022, 11:38 am
by todd3773
Just thought I would share my new TV setup on my Concept2. I upgraded an ipad to a 15" tv.

This is a 15" TV with a FireTV stick, fits nicely. FireTV supports bluetooth audio, I typically watch Prime Video, Netflix and Hulu while rowing.


Re: 15" TV on Concept2 D

Posted: March 30th, 2022, 12:25 pm
by Carl Watts
That's all good until the day you accidently let go of the handle.

Doesn't matter how careful you are, someday you will let go of the handle during the drive, done it twice now in the 12+ years of rowing.

I just run a 32inch TV on a stand in front of the rower and the phone holder is bolted to the side of the rower as not to obstruct my vision. The best idea is to just put a whopper of a TV on the wall if you can and I would put up a massive TV if I could but the garage door doesn't allow me to do that.

Replaced dozens of smashed PM screens over the years, Concept 2 changed the whole plastic molding of the monitor arm and put a down stop on it so you cannot bring the monitor down to low.


Re: 15" TV on Concept2 D

Posted: March 30th, 2022, 6:45 pm
by Ombrax
Nice, but as Carl said, you have to be VERY careful with the handle.

If you hands get the least bit sweaty and you do hard sprints, then be extra, extra careful. If the device isn't that expensive, then maybe it isn't a big deal.

Re: 15" TV on Concept2 D

Posted: March 31st, 2022, 12:34 pm
by todd3773
Understood and thanks for the heads up, so far so good. I don't have the time on the C2 that you guys do but have logged 1.7m meters so far this season.