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Sad news: Angela Madsen dies while rowing solo to Hawaii

Posted: July 2nd, 2020, 2:19 am
by Ombrax
Angela Madsen, Paralympian Rower, Dies on Solo Pacific Voyage at 60
With her legs paralyzed, she found freedom rowing across oceans. “It’s hopeless, it’s majestic, it’s exhilarating,” she said.

It's incredible everything she managed to overcome in her life. What a tough, tough, woman. (See link below to NYT story.)


Re: Sad news: Angela Madsen dies while rowing solo to Hawaii

Posted: July 14th, 2020, 6:35 pm
by jackarabit
Sorrows of job; heart of a warrior.

Re: Sad news: Angela Madsen dies while rowing solo to Hawaii

Posted: July 15th, 2020, 1:16 am
by Dangerscouse
That is sad news. A very inspiring woman by the sounds of things