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New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 5th, 2020, 6:09 pm
by Jayson rower
Hello everyone

Got a brand new concept 2 what I have decided to use, but
OMG it’s so hard because of the newness,, I usually pull around 1.50/500 spin dial on 10 for 5k

But my new one I’m like 1.52-54/500 and my forearms
Are ready to explode, I’m used to pulling on damper 10
Because I like the intesity if I put it lower I feel like there’s nothing there ie no drag

Can I ask is this normal on new machines?


Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 5th, 2020, 6:15 pm
by Citroen
It's normal for machines that aren't full of dust & cruft and are new or are properly maintained, regularly.

Knock the damper lever down from ten to five. Then read ... etting-101 to understand why I told you that.

Learn to get the PM5 to give you a "drag factor".

Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 6th, 2020, 12:29 am
by Ombrax

To amplify on what Citroen said above, when lots of air can get through to the flywheel it feels "harder" to get it up to speed because there's more air available to act as a drag on the flywheel. Older C2 ergs get dust and various other bits of stuff in the screens, which prevent the air from going through. Consequently, the feel of a damper lever of 10 on a new erg is different from 10 on an old and dirty erg. There is, however a simple way to get around this, so you can get the same feel on most any erg, and that is to use the Drag Factor to set the damper lever position.

1) On your home (new) erg set the PM do display the Drag Factor.
2) Put the damper lever on, say, 5, and row. Observe the DF. If you like the feel, then remember the DF value, and leave the lever there. If you're the only one who uses your erg you're done. Check every now and then that the DF is what you want. If it's off by a bit, tweak the lever to get it back to your preferred value.
2) If you don't like the feel with the lever at 5, increase or decrease it as required until you're happy. Note the DF.
3) The next time you go to the gym set the PM to display the DF and increase or decrease the damper lever setting until the PM shows the DF you like.
4) Since you're using the same DF as at home, the gym erg should now feel just like your home erg.

Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 6th, 2020, 12:32 am
by jamesg
my forearms are ready to explode,
if I put it lower I feel like there’s nothing there ie no drag
Rowing is done with the legs, the arms are there only to connect to the handle, like two pieces of rope with hooks on the ends.

Move the handle fast, using legs and swing, all the way from the chain guard in front of you to the far end of the rail. The faster your action the more reaction you'll feel from the flywheel.

The lower the drag the better, you can move faster and so produce more power.

Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 6th, 2020, 3:23 pm
by Jayson rower
Thanks everyone for your help!!
Done 5k tonight my watts was as per picture
Is that right??


Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 6th, 2020, 3:29 pm
by Ombrax
Jayson rower wrote:
April 6th, 2020, 3:23 pm
Done 5k tonight my watts was as per picture
Is that right??
Good job!

I do have one comment: What was your typical strokes / minute during the piece?

If you were sprinting at the end, then 31 spm is fine, but overall for the bulk of the workout that's most likely too high (unless you're racing or going for a PB)

For most workouts folks are in the 20-25 spm range.

Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 6th, 2020, 3:42 pm
by Jayson rower
Hi ombrax

I was that all the way 31/32spm, it was so hard my forearms were on 🔥,,, there’s no way I could get the pace and get the spins bellow 28, I’m only short 5.7😩😩


Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 7th, 2020, 12:17 am
by Cyclist2
Jayson rower wrote:
April 6th, 2020, 3:42 pm
it was so hard my forearms were on ,
Did you reduce the drag factor, as suggested above? The power you get out of it is solely determined by how hard you pull, not the resistance you feel. With the right technique, even at a drag of 120 (damper ~3) your legs will definitely be feeling it at those splits.

If your forearms are burning, you're gripping the handle too tight. You should just hook your fingers around the handle. Any "grip" should be just light enough that you don't drop the handle.

For splits like that, I sure would be using stroke rates above 30. But I like a more aerobic feel for fast paces, rather than a deadlift every stroke, which at damper 10 would be even heavier at lower rates.

Those are pretty good stats, well done!

Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 7th, 2020, 4:01 am
by Citroen
Jayson rower wrote:
April 6th, 2020, 3:42 pm
Hi ombrax

I was that all the way 31/32spm, it was so hard my forearms were on 🔥,,, there’s no way I could get the pace and get the spins bellow 28, I’m only short 5.7😩😩

Untie your feet, go strapless. That will help get your stroke rate down from Energizer Bunny levels.

Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 7th, 2020, 11:56 am
by Anth_F
Yeah grip the handle with less pressure and more relaxed.

That's a really good 5k regardless of the SPM!!!

Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 9th, 2020, 11:06 am
by Jayson rower
Hi everyone

So been trying on a lighter setting ie no 8 and can’t
Seen to get the time better and feel like I’m like a Duracell bunny 🐰

So went back on at level 10 and done a 10secs faster I know it’s not a lot but god it was hard, spins were still around the 31spm,,

Then went in to do a 30mins ski on the Skierg and covered 7000m that Was on level 10 but that felt ok

Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 9th, 2020, 11:07 am
by Jayson rower
Sorry here is the figures for the skierg,,


Re: New rower so Stiff

Posted: April 9th, 2020, 2:38 pm
by Citroen
You have a technique problem on the rowing ergo.

Get a side-on video (needs to include the fan cage and the whole length of your stroke). Post it on YouTube, post the YT link on here.

Can't comment on a SkiErg. You should start a new thread in: viewforum.php?f=33 for that.