Power laws are used a lot in engineering to analyse data. You assume a logarithmic behaviour between a certain variable and the response for that variable. For example, the variable is Distance and the result you want to know is your expected PR for that distance. Of course, you have to submit some data that can be related to. For example, you have set a personal record for rowing 2K recently, resulting in a time T(2K), and now want to know what best time to expect on 5K.
The power law relationship is of the type T(x)/T(x0) = (x/x0)^a .
T(x0) is the known time for the known distance x0, T(x) is the predicted time for a distance x.
The quantity a is called the exponent.
That such a power law relationship is useful for describing rowing data is shown in the graph below. I searched the Concept2 Indoor Rowing rankings of 2020 for a person who entered his best seasonal records for both 500m, 1K, 2K, 5K and 10K and was happy to find one. Here are his results plotted in a graph with logarithmic scales for both Distance and Time. You can see quickly that his data lie almost perfectly on a straight line. This line has a slope of 1.070, which equals the exponent a in the above equation.

Now, what to think of an exponent 1.070? What does it mean? It means that if you double the distance, the time will increase by a factor 2^1.070 = 2.10. I.e. the time doubles plus 5% more.
Is this typical? Well, I analysed a lot of data, both from world class athletes and recreational sporters of various ages, from rowers, cyclists, skiers and speedskaters. I found that the power law holds up very well in all these sports. The exponent is rarely below 1.03 and rarely above 1.10. This seems to be the range of values that describes how a skilled athlete's body performs when the distance is shortened or lengthened.
Rowing. It is rare to find person who listed personal records in the 2020 season for 5 distances on the Concept2 ranking site. I analysed the data from 5 persons who entered PRs for 3 or 4 distances. All data fitted very well with an exponent in the range between 1.05 and 1.10.
Cycling The C2 bike ergometer is less popular than the rower, so there is less data available. I looked for persons who listed PRs in the 2020 season over the distances 1K, 4K and 40K, i.e. events lasting roughly between 2 and 90 minutes. I found 5 persons. The exponents ranged bewteen 1.043 and 1.064, most near 1.06.
Ski-erg The C2 ski ergometer engages heavily the muscles in arms and upper body. Legs are less involved. I looked at 5 persons who listed PRs for at least 4 distances from the range of 0.5K, 1K, 2K, 5K and 10K. Events typically lasted between 1 minute and 50 minutes. I found exponents ranging between 1.045 and 1.080.
Speed skating Speed skating championships are held over one weekend in which 4 distances are programmed : 500m, 1500m, 5000m and 10000m for men and 500m, 1500m, 3000m and 5000m for women. The men's races take between 35 seconds (500m) and 13 minutes (10K). The women's races take between 37 seconds and 7 minutes (5K). The winner has the shortest total time weighted over these 4 distances. The data I analysed are for the world championships 2019 held in Calgary. These are obviously world class atlethes in their prime. The top-4 men data fitted with exponents between 1.025 and 1.030. The top-4 women data showed exponents between 1.009 and 1.032. The exceptional woman with the low exponent of 1.009 is well known as a slow-starter and a diesel.
Surprisingly, despite the observation that the 500m race is very short and depends heavily on the start, which involves very different movements and takes a lot of skill, the 500m times fitted very well in the total range of distances.
This championship obviously forces competitors to distribute their effort equally over the 4 distances. They all have plenty of experience on how to pace each race. This probably explains the low exponent compared to the other sports.
How to use this?
If you have a PR for one distance and want to predict your best time at another distance, use an exponent of 1.07 in the power law equation.
If you are very experienced on how to pace a run for a much different distance, you may perhaps target a time using an exponent of 1.06.
1. Did somebody use a power law to analyse his personal data?
2. Do you want me to explain how to calculate your exponent if you have PRs on multiple distances?
For more explanation, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_law