Log book not syncing with Garmin or strava but they are paired

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Log book not syncing with Garmin or strava but they are paired

Post by theashman » January 7th, 2019, 6:32 pm


After using my erg for two years I finally paired it via ergdata to my c2 logbook and through that to strava and Garmin Connect, so over the past 5 days I have logged 3 workouts, the first to connected within a minute to all three platforms, however today ergdata sent synced my data to my c2 log book but it hasn't passed the data into Garmin or strava, does anyone have any idea as to how I can push this on?

Thanks alot,

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Re: Log book not syncing with Garmin or strava but they are paired

Post by carlosr » January 8th, 2019, 12:17 am

Might be related.... today I noticed that the per stroke detail for the row was not available in the logbook. Its there for all my other rows except todays.

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Re: Log book not syncing with Garmin or strava but they are paired

Post by brettcole » January 8th, 2019, 10:13 am

same issue with not pushing from C2 logbook to Garmin or Strava - has worked fine up to this week

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Re: Log book not syncing with Garmin or strava but they are paired

Post by Chugger4wd » January 8th, 2019, 11:39 am

I had the same problem this morning. Completed my row and neither strava nor garmin received the event. It was logged both on the erg app (android) and synced to my Concept2 web account.

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Re: Log book not syncing with Garmin or strava but they are paired

Post by carlosr » January 8th, 2019, 3:41 pm

Someone on another thread said that they contacted C2 support and were told they were aware of the problem and should resolve itself over time. And our data should show up soon. Something about a backlog of messages queued up.

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Re: Log book not syncing with Garmin or strava but they are paired

Post by billybrm » March 29th, 2020, 12:42 pm

Did this get fixed, I've just linked my logbook with Strava and I can see that it is definitely done in Strava but just done a sesh on the rower which I have uploaded to the logbook but it doesn't show in Strava.
In Strava I go to my Apps and I can see Concept2 Logbook listed; if I click on the "visit website" it takes me to my logbook where I can see my session from today.
Any help much appreciated

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Re: Log book not syncing with Garmin or strava but they are paired

Post by Citroen » March 29th, 2020, 4:26 pm

Send an email to info@concept2.com and ask.

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Re: Log book not syncing with Garmin or strava but they are paired

Post by billybrm » March 30th, 2020, 5:06 am

Ok, I'll try that, thank you

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