Best connection/software setup for 24h 350km for Bike/Row/Ski-Erg endurance challenge?

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Best connection/software setup for 24h 350km for Bike/Row/Ski-Erg endurance challenge?

Post by soundsk » December 11th, 2018, 4:49 am

Hi there,

I'm preparing a 24 hour 350km endurance challenge - 50km SkiErg, 100km RowErg, 200km BikeErg.
The challenge is to be done in teams of two, in under 24h.

I've been trying to connect the Ergs to the computer, but I've been having some trouble.
Ideally it would be great to connect them like in a race - ethernet cable from one Erg to the next, and the last connects with USB to the computer, but I tried this yesterday, with the Venue Race 3.65 app, and it would only let me setup a race, which is not ideal since each of the Ergs will have to run a different distance.
Venue Race has an option "Just Row" and that would be ok, just gathering the stats from each Erg on the same screen would be enough, but for some reason it's greyed out and doesn't let me select it. Same thing happens with the Power chart, Spreadsheet, LCD monitor options, all greyed out. Any idea why?

Can anyone think of a setup that allows for this setting up of each erg individually or just gather the stats in real time without any sort of race setup?


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Re: Best connection/software setup for 24h 350km for Bike/Row/Ski-Erg endurance challenge?

Post by Citroen » December 11th, 2018, 1:39 pm

Two ergs two phones running ergdata. That'll collect more stats than you need.

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Re: Best connection/software setup for 24h 350km for Bike/Row/Ski-Erg endurance challenge?

Post by soundsk » December 11th, 2018, 1:54 pm

Citroen wrote:
December 11th, 2018, 1:39 pm
Two ergs two phones running ergdata. That'll collect more stats than you need.
Thanks! That's an idea, running a computer would allow me to capture and stream the screen, as the charity event will be streamed live.
I can set up a camera recording the phones, the only question is: is this a reliable solution?
Do you think this can work for such a long period of time without crashing? Is there anyway to avoid the Ergs powering off automatically?

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