Inspirational stories

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Inspirational stories

Post by H2O » May 21st, 2018, 3:49 am

Was speechless when I came across this:
Olympic bronze medal in cross country skiing sprint (!! several rounds) with 5 broken
ribs and a punctured lung.

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Re: Inspirational stories

Post by H2O » May 21st, 2018, 12:26 pm

Strangely can't edit this post so must reply to myself.

Sorry this version of the video is not subtitled, there is a subtitled version but I could not find it.
For some background: in the previous Olympics Maijdics had the incredibly bad lack of being brought to a fall by an official who fell on her during the race and she lost contact with the lead group. In the 2010 Olympics (which she knew would be her last) she came in as the top ranked sprinter and it was hoped would win the first gold medal for Slovenia in the Winter Olympics.

The rest is in the movie. The team doctor explains (in German) that there was only an ultrasound on site and he did not see the extent of the injury so they let her go to race.

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