Hi Everyone!
I have been rowing pretty much everyday since I bought my modelD three and a half months ago. I've rowed almost 700K meters so far and I'm determine to hit my million meter mark before end of March. I'm still very new to it but I love rowing! I love rowing even more if I listen something that inspires me. When I have a good list of things to listen on my phone I look forward to my next workout.
Do you feel that way as well? Does having a great playlist motivate you to workout more? If so you should checkout these playlists I put together: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxVT84l ... eos?view=1 . I created a 7 day workout playlist. I'm very interested to hear your thoughts on how you like it. Whether you like it or hate it please leave a comment, I want to hear you thoughts. If I get positive responses I will create a 21 day workout playlist to get more people to row everyday.
keep rowing!
Daily Ritual
created playlists for rowers
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- Paddler
- Posts: 1
- Joined: January 19th, 2014, 9:54 am
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