Solstice Row And Time Readout - Assistance Needed Pls

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Solstice Row And Time Readout - Assistance Needed Pls

Post by SARmedic » June 21st, 2017, 12:25 pm

I did the solstice Row this morning and thought I would add the extra 97m for a half-marathon. But when I sat down I set it for 22K in memory of the 22 veterans that commit suicide each day, and I'm sorry to say that I've been on their "high risk" list for a year now. So I thought I'd do 22 for the 22.

But I digress.

I was somewhere near an hour and forty odd minutes but I started sprinting at the end and didn't see the actual time before I hit my goal. The readout is very confusing to me. My /500 M time was 2:31.1 if that helps. Link to the picture Image

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