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Suddenly getting mid back pain/fatigue during sessions

Posted: September 12th, 2016, 3:07 am
by Hanzo
I'm clossing in on my third year of owing a Concept2, and have been using it several times a week for the whole duration. My weekly routine is 3 session of UT1 10k, a 15k UT2 session and a interval session mid week. So a total of 5 sessions a week, with 4 days of rowing combined during friday to monday. I used to do 4 sessions on the rower, and then 1 session on a elliptical trainer, but for the past months it's been erg only.

I started feelig some minor pain or discomfort just under my left shoulderblade druing rowing a couple of weeks back, and so I backed of the erg abit, and did most sessions on the elliptical for a week. Started rowing again this week, and now I noticed some minor pain or discomfort in the middle back, around the lower part or center of my shouldblades. It's somewhere between pain and fatique, but it will carry with me a couple of hours after the rowing. I dont think my form has changed, and my rowing much what I have been doing for months and months. I started doing the longer 15k, with 18-19 raiting rowing a few weeks back, just to do a 10k with raiting of 22 instead on sundays because of time restrains. No doubth this has added some work on my back, but not so much I would expect a issue.

I tried doing a search, and from what I can see it's not a normal issue with rowing. Lower back issues seems to be the most frequent issue, and I have had issues with this before but not for some time now.

So my questions is, is there a common error in form that might cause middle back issues, and do any of you have any stretching or exersizes for the middle back that might help me relieve the issue?

Re: Suddenly getting mid back pain/fatigue during sessions

Posted: September 12th, 2016, 5:56 am
by Hanzo
Stayed very firm ar 110 for the whole duration. I have checked on the internet for some back stretches and will try these, right now I'm not even sure if this issue is from rowing or other issus like bed or work. The issue might come from other sources, and only get really obvius after a session on the erg.

Re: Suddenly getting mid back pain/fatigue during sessions

Posted: September 12th, 2016, 6:03 am
by Pie Man
Do you do a lot of computer work? If you do maybe get your set up looked at by your company to see that isn't causing any problems. I found that some minor back irritations have been alleviated by using my left hand (non dominant) for some of my mouse use.

Re: Suddenly getting mid back pain/fatigue during sessions

Posted: September 12th, 2016, 7:51 am
by Hanzo
Some minor computer work, maybe 10+ hours a day... I work with computers all day at work, and often spend a good portion of the day at home behind the computer as well, so it could very well be. Again nothing has really changed in this department, same desk, same chair, but I will indeed look more into this as well.

But then my guess is correct, middle back issues is not common with rowing?