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How to log meters in a group

Posted: July 28th, 2016, 10:15 am
by biscuit

I'm quite new to using the C2 Log.

I am training some guys for an ocean row. Individuals have their own log in the normal way but we want to see meters collectively too.

So I created a team for it and assigned members but I don't seem to be able to see their meters appear against the group when I upload some for a member. Reading on the site seems to indicate that teams must be tied to specific challenges. Eg World Erg Challenge - but that isn't suitable since challenges have their own specific dates.

Have I just not understood the team concept? of if I have, is there some other way we could all see our totals as a group?

Thanks in advance for advice!

Re: How to log meters in a group

Posted: July 29th, 2016, 4:19 am
by Mat

Every member has to be in the same Affiliation group. Create your own Affiliation and let your members change their user profiles for entering this new Affiliation.

The Affiliation Challenge is running from Mai to April.

