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Nobody in the top 50
Posted: July 6th, 2016, 8:22 pm
by Carl Watts
Yes I know I have too much time on my hands these days but decided to take a closer look at the annual meters board.
Nobody in the top 50 has their LogBook visible, many people have the minimum available information even if your logged in.
You have to drop to position 64, William Kessel to see what he is actually doing and yes its verified rows using the Concept2 Utility so good on him for his 13,647m a day average and also very fast for a lightweight at his age. Based on that information he is at the top of the list in my opinion.
Perhaps its time for some of those in the top 50 to change their profile settings.
Re: Nobody in the top 50
Posted: July 7th, 2016, 3:47 am
by bisqeet
maybe they don't want to ?
there are quite a few that just use the logbook as just that - a personal log of training.
it is free after all.
of course your going to get oddities of people doing xxx meters/day, I wouldn't read too much into it.
of course you can only verify meters rowed/skied using the ergs.
I also log my OTW meters on there, which are impossible to verify
Re: Nobody in the top 50
Posted: July 7th, 2016, 8:51 am
by ArmandoChavezUNC
Most people will be rowing on the water around this time of the year, so I wouldn't expect any serious rowers to be anywhere near the top - unless they log their OTW meters, which is possible.
Always take the rankings with a pinch of salt. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is race results.
Re: Nobody in the top 50
Posted: July 7th, 2016, 8:54 am
by gouldilocks
Carl is on his hobby horse again.
Re: Nobody in the top 50
Posted: July 7th, 2016, 9:45 am
by Analytica
I wondered what this post was about so I went off to have a look & found that I'm in the top 50 that you refer to.
I couldn't care less whether the first valid result in your opinion is below me, I've only just looked at the list. As far as I'm concerned my season metres to date is moderately interesting & relevant to me as it indicates a better approach to my training plan but is not an end in itself & is largely irrelevant when compared to ergers of different ages/weights/lifestyles/aims.
As it happens, my workouts are accessible to my training partners and are mostly verified as I normally use ErgData. I have some workouts ranked which are obviously visible, these are a much better indication of what I'm achieving with my current plan than sheer volume of metres. Realistically no one else would be able to interpret a list of paces & distances unless I added comments to everything to differentiate warmups/recovery rows/hard distances/intervals/etc and I really cannot be bothered to do that for every entry.
Frankly if you don't believe my season metres to date that's your problem not mine. I didn't spend over 75 hours doing over 250 rows so far this season for your benefit.
Re: Nobody in the top 50
Posted: July 7th, 2016, 3:19 pm
by jackarabit
. . . and also very fast for a lightweight at his age. Based on that information he is at the top of the list in my opinion.
The C2 meterboard is a participation challenge. Ranking is by accumulated meters. It is NOT a participation challenge with a stipulated minimum pace.