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Just got another rowing machine after 8 yrs

Posted: February 7th, 2016, 5:11 pm
by Rob T
Hi all,

After 8 years I have bought myself another rowing machine. Hoping to get fit and get my times down somewhere near what they used to be..... I used to be on here as wolf along time ago. So hello to anyone who used to be on here

Ps it turns up on Tuesday

Re: Just got another rowing machine after 8 yrs

Posted: February 7th, 2016, 6:28 pm
by Citroen
Not on here. The old forum is

Re: Just got another rowing machine after 8 yrs

Posted: February 8th, 2016, 5:19 pm
by Rob T
Ahh that makes more sense, I wondered were it had all gone.

Re: Just got another rowing machine after 8 yrs

Posted: February 8th, 2016, 5:46 pm
by Bob S.
Rob T wrote:Ahh that makes more sense, I wondered were it had all gone.
I still wonder. It is still there all right, but the traffic is only a weak shadow of what it was just a couple of years ago. Surprisingly, this forum, i.e. the US forum, has grown amazingly from a very low point a few years back. It is also a much friendlier place than it had been for a while.