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Rowing Workshop Schedule 2016-Mobility,Injury Prevention etc

Posted: January 6th, 2016, 12:50 pm
by HeadStartC
Want to improve your rowing in 2016? Struggling to improve your mobility or manage injuries? ... erest-list

HeadStart Sports Injury & Performance Clinic, Cambridge are launching a series of Rowing Workshops - ranging from Mobility for Rowers, to Injury Management & Prevention. Over 15yrs rowing, coaching & sports massage experience these workshops are designed to help complement your training. Keeping you in the boat; fit, flexible & strong because once a crew has been selected, injuries are not acceptable!

If you're interested in attending one of our Rowing workshops register your interest below and we'll email you as soon as the 2016 dates are confirmed. This list will ONLY be used to let you know about upcoming workshops dates, no spam!

Rowing workshops for 2016
- Mobility for Rowers: Foundation & Advanced Course
- Injury Management & Prevention for Rowers
- Core Stability for Rowers: Shoulders & Back
- Rowing technique: How to recruit your glutes ... erest-list

If you are interested in running one of these workshops at your club then get in touch at