Help from any who recently emailed about a marathon mug

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Help from any who recently emailed about a marathon mug

Post by dszil » December 6th, 2007, 10:54 am

Anyone out there recently complete a marathon? If so...
(a) did you email C2 about getting a mug?
(b) can you share the email address you sent to?

I know it's sad...but I really want my mug :( I don't care how long it takes to get to me...but I've emailed the address listed on the marathon page (Jennifer) and have heard nothing back. I'm not sure if my emails just didn't make it through...or if she's on vacation or no longer with C2...or whether she just saw my screwy last name and decided she didn't like me (which truthfully I'd understand :) ). 2 emails and almost a week later though...and I've heard nothing :(. So I was just wondering if anyone else emailed her...or someone different...and got through.

Thanks! :D
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Post by BriK » December 6th, 2007, 11:13 am

The email address that is listed on the marathon page is ok, Dan, but it can take a long long time until you receive a reply. I rowed my first (and so far only) FM in April last year and emailed C2 on May, 1st, asking if I was entitled for a marathon mug, too, since I live in Germany. I got a reply more that 5 months later (Oct. 17th), where I was told that I was entitled too for a mug, but I confess at that time the exitement over having finished my marathon was long gone and I had no more interest in the mug.

Sure, C2 may be saving a lot of money by delaying the incentives that long and so spending less on the mugs, but I think they are also missing a great opportunity for free advertisement with these gadgets (since I had planned to get that mug to my workplace to show off a little, but it was not supposed to be).

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Post by Citroen » December 6th, 2007, 12:30 pm

Try sending an email to (that's the address Bill Patton told us to use when he left).

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Post by dszil » December 6th, 2007, 4:18 pm

Thank you both for the replies. I'll try the ranking@ address in a few days if I still don't hear back from the jenniferw@ one!
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Post by MomofJBN » December 6th, 2007, 6:51 pm

Contact with C2 that I've had for meter awards has been with KC Colt (kcc@...). However, I usually use the online form to submit for the award rather than e-mailing directly: ... y_form.asp.

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Post by dszil » December 7th, 2007, 2:52 pm

When I hit my first million...I'll be sure to hit that form too!
Unfortunately...around 300K away still :(
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Post by Couch Potato » December 7th, 2007, 5:58 pm

dszil wrote:When I hit my first million...I'll be sure to hit that form too!
Unfortunately...around 300K away still :(
Holiday challenge should help put a dent in that then another marathon (or two) to finish off!! :D :lol:

By the way, many congratulations on your Marathon - the bug bit deep!

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Post by dszil » December 7th, 2007, 9:12 pm

Thx couch!

Should finish up the challenge sometime next week or so. After that...the first million's the target (more free stuff!!!:)!!!)! Unfortunately...without the ability of earning another mug until next more marathons for me till then (really did just do it for the mug!) :). As for the "bug" that bit...yup...bit mighty hard :). I'm like that though. :).

FYI to anyone interested...this afternoon I did end up emailing the ranking@ address Citroen recommended and received a prompt response that they would be forwarding my email onto the people who could help! So it looks like I'm set!
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Post by dszil » December 19th, 2007, 3:58 pm

I'm popping back in to give my own thread a bump.

Seems as though...despite Dena forwarding my email onto Jennifer...I still have not heard anything back.

I've noticed a few others who tossed a marathon into their Holiday Challenge mix. Did any of you email Jennifer about a mug and if so...actually hear anything back?

I'm unfortunately quickly going the way of BriK...despite being so excited when I first completed it...the excitement is quickly disappearing :(
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Post by Slothful1 » December 22nd, 2007, 3:24 am


I did my 3rd marathon 2 days back, and sent off the e-mail last night. Based on your experiences and the time of year I'm not going to get too worried until about late Feb next year!

My other 2 mugs arrived eventually - can't remember the exact dates, but I'd guess it was a couple of months after the e-mails.

As with all customer service experiences (referring to any company not just C2), a reply would make a world of difference even if it was to say that there is an 8 week backlog. Communication is of greater importance to me than the actual delivery / resolution time (provided the communication isn't just a series of empty promises obviously).

I swore no more marathons after this last one, but I think a set of 3 mugs isn't good enough. Going to have to aim for 4 or 6, and then only row a marathon again to replace any breakages.

Having said that, a marathon helps the Holiday Challenge a lot!


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Post by ckaiserca » January 18th, 2008, 11:57 am

I rowed my first full marathon on December 24th to cap off my holiday challenge. I still have not heard from anyone about the mug. I have received my holiday challenge pin, and have sent in info about completing my second million meters.

I added a note to my 2MM form asking about the mug, but still have not heard anything. I am going to send an email to the ranking address and see if that might bump things along.
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Post by dszil » January 18th, 2008, 12:14 pm

As with all customer service experiences (referring to any company not just C2), a reply would make a world of difference even if it was to say that there is an 8 week backlog. Communication is of greater importance to me than the actual delivery / resolution time (provided the communication isn't just a series of empty promises obviously).
I still have not heard from anyone about the mug. I have received my holiday challenge pin, and have sent in info about completing my second million meters.
I completely agree Dave...all I really was looking for was a reply of some sort as well...regardless of how long they said it would take! And I actually finally got it! (sorry...should have remembered to update the thread)

I ended up emailing the general customer service address in my last-ditch effort and they sent back an email that would fit Dave's criteria pretty much to the letter :). There's a pretty hefty backlog but rest-assured a mug will eventually arrive type of thing. Just figured I'd let the two of you know!

Also glad to hear you got your pin there ck...mine isn't here yet but now I know to be looking for it! It really is sad I guess...but these mementos really do help keep me motivated!
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Post by Slothful1 » January 18th, 2008, 1:32 pm

Thanks for the update. Good to know that a little more patience will be rewarded in the end.

I'll probably check in with them around Easter if there's nothing here yet. From past experience that's when I'll realise my pin hasn't arrived yet either. :)


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Post by cazams » January 18th, 2008, 4:41 pm

On the other hand, I received my pin and T-shirt for my first million in about two weeks of sending in an email.

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Post by ckaiserca » January 23rd, 2008, 8:23 pm

I cc'd my third email to Jennifer to and got a nice reply from Dena saying that she had spoken with Jennifer, and that she would put my mug in the mail. According to my email program, my email to Jennifer has still not been read, but perhaps she just ignored my request for a return receipt. . .

This is the email that I received from Dena:
Dear Charles,
I'm very sorry that you haven't had a reply from Concept2. This is not indicative of our high level of customer service. We are getting your emails. I was assuming Jennifer was responding to them, but it has brought to my attention that that's not the case (thank you!). Hopefully you will be hearing from her soon. I have spoken to her and tried to work with her on finding an efficient way to respond to all the emails she receives and how to send the mugs out more expeditiously. She does have a backlog that she will be working through, but I will be sending you a marathon mug by postal service. You should receive it within one week to a week and a half.
Again, on behalf of Jennifer, Concept2 and myself, I apologize for making you wait and, more importantly, congratulations on completing a marathon!

Best regards,
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