I just got my Model D, and want an ambitious goal

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I just got my Model D, and want an ambitious goal

Post by Curmudgeon » August 23rd, 2007, 5:13 pm

I'm old and cranky. I need to lose some weight. The gym is increasingly annoying, and the commute is a pain (and detracts from my actual workout time).

While I need to lose weight, a few years of running and steady gym attendance over the past decade or so have left me in pretty good cardiovascular shape, so I want to start out doing something ambitious.

So, it is reasonable to target 1 million meters by Christmas, along with continuing to run? (I'm thinking about cutting back from 4-5 weekly runs of 3-4 miles to two weekly runs). I've been using an older model C2 at the gym on a regular basis, so I don't feel like I have to start out with baby steps. But then again, I don't want to burn out or injure myself.

I've already set up my online log book, and will be setting up the erg when I get home from work. Maybe I can log my first 10k tonight!

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Re: I just got my Model D, and want an ambitious goal

Post by PaulS » August 23rd, 2007, 6:03 pm

Curmudgeon wrote:I'm old and cranky. I need to lose some weight. The gym is increasingly annoying, and the commute is a pain (and detracts from my actual workout time).

While I need to lose weight, a few years of running and steady gym attendance over the past decade or so have left me in pretty good cardiovascular shape, so I want to start out doing something ambitious.

So, it is reasonable to target 1 million meters by Christmas, along with continuing to run? (I'm thinking about cutting back from 4-5 weekly runs of 3-4 miles to two weekly runs). I've been using an older model C2 at the gym on a regular basis, so I don't feel like I have to start out with baby steps. But then again, I don't want to burn out or injure myself.

I've already set up my online log book, and will be setting up the erg when I get home from work. Maybe I can log my first 10k tonight!
Since you already have some experience on the C2 for your first 10k jaunt try this format.

4k at what you feel is a reasonably good pace (feels comfortable all through)
2:00 rest
3k at a bit faster pace, but hold it steady all the way through. (Feels like work by the end)
2:00 rest
2k a bit faster yet, holding steady (starting to get tough by the end)
2:00 rest
1k pushing it faster based on what you have already done and think you can hold to the end. (may not make it all the way at the starting pace, but finish the piece)

If you hit the wall by the end of any piece before the 1k, call it good for today, and you will have a set of paces to try again.
Erg on,
Paul Smith
www.ps-sport.net Your source for Useful Rowing Accessories and Training Assistance.
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Re: I just got my Model D, and want an ambitious goal

Post by Storm Petrel » August 23rd, 2007, 10:00 pm

Curmudgeon wrote:So, it is reasonable to target 1 million meters by Christmas, along with continuing to run?
But you'll have to work up to a weekly goal that will get you there, and stick to plan.

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Re: I just got my Model D, and want an ambitious goal

Post by chgoss » August 25th, 2007, 5:48 pm

Curmudgeon wrote:I'm old and cranky. I need to lose some weight. The gym is increasingly annoying, and the commute is a pain (and detracts from my actual workout time).

While I need to lose weight, a few years of running and steady gym attendance over the past decade or so have left me in pretty good cardiovascular shape, so I want to start out doing something ambitious.

So, it is reasonable to target 1 million meters by Christmas, along with continuing to run? (I'm thinking about cutting back from 4-5 weekly runs of 3-4 miles to two weekly runs). I've been using an older model C2 at the gym on a regular basis, so I don't feel like I have to start out with baby steps. But then again, I don't want to burn out or injure myself.

I've already set up my online log book, and will be setting up the erg when I get home from work. Maybe I can log my first 10k tonight!
Get yourself in the top 75% of the cross team challenge
in the top 50% for your age group in either the 2k or the 10k in C2's online ranking

best of luck!
52 M 6'2" 200 lbs 2k-7:03.9
1 Corinthians 15:3-8

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Post by joe80 » September 3rd, 2007, 10:23 am

The Nonathlon http://www.nonathlon.com allows you to compare your performances on an age/weight/gender adjusted basis.

Most believe the scoring system favors the older rower.



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