Around the World Row!

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Yukon John
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Post by Yukon John » November 24th, 2006, 7:44 pm

Congratulations to Brigitte on her 2k in the CTC. That's a pb isn't it Brigitette? If you see this post, tell us how it went. Shannon was hoping that you would do it! She is planning on doing it later this week (if I write that here it will put some pressure on her :P .) Good luck to everyone who is trying to complete the x-mas challenge. I haven't rowed in a couple of days but I'm planning on starting with a long row tomorrow.

Age 47, 6'0", 164 lbs.
100k row completed 11/25/06 7:48:45.2

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Eh Team II

Post by foodie » November 25th, 2006, 10:37 am

Hi all
Though pathetically slower than Brigitte. I've posted a 2 k time so we now have a woman in the second boat.
Happy holiday challenge all.

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Post by ulu » November 25th, 2006, 3:55 pm

Thanx for posting the times ladies! Nicely done too, those times are very nice.

We now have a third boat in the water and we need 3 more people to fill it. If 3 of you hosers, can post your times for 2k, rowed any time in November, at the C2C challenge that would really help.

Little Linda and I are out travelling again, down to see the boys at Brentwood, but I did not get a chance to have any of the coaches work on my stroke with me.

Our Round the World Row Boat continues to pick up steam and we are now cruising over the plains of Patagonia.
Keep on rowin', eh.

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Post by BriK » November 25th, 2006, 8:35 pm

Hi everybody!
Thank you all for the welcome back!

Good to see you here on the forum, too, Lorri! :-) Your 2k time is great and far from pathetic!!! Do you score your rows at the Nonathlon site? I guess as a lightweight you should get some pretty good points for your row.

Thanks for the kudos, John! Yes, it is a new PB by 1 second, and since I haven't done any speedwork/short distances recently, I'm quite happy with the result. Rowing went well, and although my heart rate went through the roof (185, the highest I have ever seen on the erg), I felt pretty good with it (no stomach problems that I sometimes have after the sprints). I did some pretty negative splitting (2:06.1, 2:05.3, 2:04.2, 2:02.9), because I first didn't know how fast I could get, so maybe there is another second or two possible improvement in there.

Shannon, you may now believe that Lorri saved you from doing that evil 2k, but as you see, there is now another boat out there waiting to get on the water, so you are not off the hook yet. :-)

Jim, the new site looks great, and it was also interesting to read about the "history" of the Cross Canada Row. I had no idea that the whole thing started with just 5 rowers! Who of you guys were those pioneers?

So with 53 members right now, I see that I have not yet said hello to all the new members!
Welcome to the team, Lana, June, Tyler, Alain, Dave, and Anastasios!
(I hope I haven't forgotten anyone).

With so many new members, and the holiday challenge, we are really making speed now! My guess as for the arrival at C2 headquarters would be March 19 then (the really correct answer :lol: ).

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Post by Yukon John » November 25th, 2006, 11:22 pm

Congtatulations to all the people doing the CTC, great times! I got a pb myself today. Actually it was my first (and very possibly my last) 100k row. I did it in 7:47:45.2. It was a loooong day :) . Even though I'm done, I still feel like I'm moving :D . I'll second Brigitte's welcome to all our new Eh Teamers! John.
Last edited by Yukon John on November 26th, 2006, 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Age 47, 6'0", 164 lbs.
100k row completed 11/25/06 7:48:45.2

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Post by BriK » November 26th, 2006, 8:19 am

Wooooaaaahhhhh!!!! 100k!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

(I had to read 3 or 4 times, wondering if I had misread the line and you meant 100m or 10k, until I read your time .... )

Congratulations on finishing a great 100k, John!!! That's a huge achievement!!!

Of course now we want to hear all the details. How did you go about that row? Taking scheduled breaks? I wonder if you can still sit or use your hands ... and hope you have had some good rest by now. So tell us more about your big row, John!

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Post by ulu » November 26th, 2006, 11:13 am

Kudo's on the 100k John, I hope you had a television or something to keep you distracted.

Here are the guesses I have to date for our completion of the around the world row, let me know if I am missing any:
March 5 - Kirk
March 7 - John (Yukon John's b'day)
March 10 - Dave
March 15 - Trevor (The Ides of March)
March 17 - Dan (St. Patty's Day)
March 19 - Brigitte (The really correct answer!)
March 23 - Chris H (Sara - his wife's b'day)
March 31 - Jim (The correct answer )

I had no idea that the whole thing started with just 5 rowers! Who of you guys were those pioneers?
The original voyageurs were:
John - still with us
Calgary Rob - still with us
Mark Keating - I keep hoping we will see him again soon
Night Rower - still with us as Darren Slater
GutBustin' - still with us
MikefromCanmore - still with us (occasionally)
and of course yours truly.

My apologies if I have forgotten anyone, but it is over one year and I cannot decipher my cryptic notes and my brain is kind of cloudy with time and age :cry:

Keep on rowin', eh.

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Post by foodie » November 26th, 2006, 12:48 pm

Hi everyone,
I don't do 2ks very often (like once or twice a year), so your question Brigitte about whether it was a PB made me go back to scant records, and it certainly is a PB "in the current era", though I found a record of 8:23.2 back when I was ten years younger and 15-20 pounds heavier. So all and all I'm now feeling pretty good about it! :D
What is the Nonathlon site?

And I vote for March 6, my late father's birthday, as our arrival day. And if THAT doesn't work, how about March 29, my brother's birthday.

Finally, 100,000?!!? Holy Hannah, you've got to have some hurtin' bits today. Well done.

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Post by Yukon John » November 26th, 2006, 4:43 pm

Thanks for the congrats everyone. I had a plan going in to the event but it didn't take too long before that fell by the wayside. I started thinking that I would go at a 2:15 pace which didn't seem like it would be that hard. I had a heart rate monitor on and is said that I was on the upper end of UT1. I'm not sure why it was that high but after 2 hours I knew that I wouldn't be able to finish if I kept it at that pace. So I had to slow down quite a bit and focused on keeping the pulse on the border of UT1 and UT2. It is such a long way to go :shock: I changed my goal to hoping that I could finish! I tried thinking about milestones, at 18k I only had 2 marathons left to do, then there was 30k 42k, 50k, 66k (2/3s of the way), and every five kil. from then on. The most "enjoyable" part was between 40-60k. I think the endorphins were kicking in at that point. As far as breaks go; I stopped four times for about a minute each time. Twice for bathroom breaks and twice to stretch my back. I cued up about 150 songs to keep me entertained. I was pleasantly surprised that my bum didn't get sore until near the end. My biggest problem was that my runners are a bit loose and I had blisters on my heels from about 30k on. My hands were ok. I have one small blister. I used hand towels placed over the handle at different points to dry the handle and my hands. For food, I ate a lot of Francois's recipe for power bars, slices of mandarin oranges and a mixture of an electrolyte drink mix and lemonade. I drank about 2 gallons all day. I think that I must have been pretty close (on the right amount) because I weighed myself before and after and was only one pound less.
At 65k (and somewhere around 5 hours, with about 3 to go) I seriously thought about quitting. Luckily I had told a few people about trying this and that kept the pressure on me. With 20k left I started thinking that I was going to make it and increased my speed. During that last 10k I was going at a 2:07 pace and the last 500 meters I was going at my 2k race pace (I reeealy wanted it to be done :x !)
Today I'm not doing too bad. I feel very drained (I imagine that will last for a while) and I've got a few aches and pains but nothing serious. Although I'm very glad that it's over, I'm glad that I did it. This was the longest event that I've ever done. The erg is such a good machine. For the amount of time that it took, I can't imagine doing any other activity for that long without doing more damage to myself.

Age 47, 6'0", 164 lbs.
100k row completed 11/25/06 7:48:45.2

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Post by danwho » November 26th, 2006, 6:15 pm

Congratualations John. And thanks for that account. I don't think I'm likely to try something like that, but reading about your effort makes it easier to tackle my more modest goals. I still need to get my 2K in this week. I think I like to wait until the last minute so I'm not tempted to get in multiple attempts :wink: But this row will have to be as a Hwt - too much eating for the holidays. So how about a poll guessing the next team member to try the 100K - I'm betting Brigitte.

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Post by Trevor » November 27th, 2006, 11:55 am

John; I am massively impressed. Both for the time and distance; also for the mental and physical toughness it must take to accomplish a long row of that magnitude. The longest row I have done to this point is 16000 m and I had to quit due to blisters on my hands and complete exhaustion. I probably don't have enought glycogen in my entire body to even comtemplate 100 K.

Welcome to the new team members. It will be great to get three boats running.

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Post by Trevor » November 27th, 2006, 2:20 pm

I think I know why you did 100 K this weekend; to stay warm. I noted on the Weather Network that we (the triangle of Canada from Dawson Creek to Dawson City and east of the Rockies) had the dubious distinction of being the coldest place on earth this weekend :shock: Minus 40, plus a cooling breeze (just to drive the point home).

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Post by tinnes » November 27th, 2006, 3:22 pm

Congrats John. Huge achievement. 100K - I can't even imagine myself doing a marathon, let alone more than 2 of those in a row. You're a better man than I....

(45) | 1K 3:07.9 | 2K 6:32.3 | 30min 8428 | 10K 36.34.5 | 60min 16,185 | HM 1:19:01.9 | C2 timeless

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Post by ulu » November 27th, 2006, 5:05 pm

Here are the updated guesses:

March 5 - Kirk
March 6 - Lorri (her late dad's b'day)
March 7 - John (Yukon John's b'day)
March 10 - Dave
March 15 - Trevor (The Ides of March)
March 17 - Dan (St. Patty's Day)
March 19 - Brigitte (The really correct answer!)
March 23 - Chris H (Sara - his wife's b'day)
March 31 - Jim (The correct answer )

Linda and I are "weathered in" in Victoria of all places. So it is off to the YMCA to do a little erging and wait for things to clear. Hopefully we will be able to get home tomorrow. They really do not know how to handle snow here :P .

Thanx to everyone for posting the times in the C2C.

Keep on rowin', eh.

[url=]Eh!Team ROWING THE COAST of the WORLD[/url] <--- click here

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Post by Yukon John » November 27th, 2006, 5:27 pm

tinnes wrote:Congrats John. Huge achievement. 100K - I can't even imagine myself doing a marathon, let alone more than 2 of those in a row. You're a better man than I....

Definately not better, very possibly not brighter than you Troy :D . There is quite a difference in approach from a marathon to a 100k. With the marathon you can actually think about racing it (although like with a running marathon there is the risk of going out too fast and hitting the wall.) I went into the 100k with that kind of mentallity but soon realized that surviving it was what the focus should be. I think anyone could do a marathon or 100k, the pacing is key. I think that with both distances it's really a mental game. As I mentioned before, breaking it down into segments helps, music helped me, Jim's idea of watching a movie or three might work (although I tried to really watch my pulse and that might be harder if you're into a good movie), any other distractors that can make the time go by would be good. For me, the most daunting thing was thinking about how much time I had to go, this was really clear at 2 hours in (starting too fast) and knowing I had 6 hours to go :cry: . It was "kind of" fun seeing how my body reacted. Around 50-60k in, my brain must have been giving me a bunch of endorphins. Shannon said that I looked like I was high. It felt that way, the world was pretty fine there for a short bit, unfortunately it didn't last!

It does seem like the weather is playing some tricks on us. Jim is stuck in Victoria and as Trevor mentioned, we've got cold. You were right Trevor, it was an easy choice deciding to do it on Saturday with the temperature around -40. Not much else to do but load up the wood stove! The How is the weather where everyone else is?

Age 47, 6'0", 164 lbs.
100k row completed 11/25/06 7:48:45.2

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