Model A Concept2

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Model A Concept2

Post by Rrmoore2 » February 21st, 2024, 7:30 pm

I just came across a Mod A Concept and am having trouble figuring out the value of the machine. It looks super cool with the bicycle tire, flaps, and chain, but is this a desirable item? I can't find any listed for sell or that have sold and do not know how to value this machine. Thanks for any assistance!

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Re: Model A Concept2

Post by Cyclist2 » February 22nd, 2024, 8:34 pm

If it is still functional, then why not row it? There are upgrades for the performance monitor and other components available on the C2 web site. If it is not functional, again, C2 offers repair parts.

As far as value, it depends on condition if someone is looking for a functional machine. These, for the most part are "museum pieces" and not in high demand as rowers. If, on the other hand, you are BUYING it, then start low.

I learned to row on a Model A. Worked for me. Got a B, now have a C. All are great machines.
Mark Underwood. Rower first, cyclist too.

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Re: Model A Concept2

Post by gvcormac » February 22nd, 2024, 8:58 pm

It is a collector's piece. Hard to assess market value. As far as usefulness as a rower, you really need to install a PM retrofit, but keep the original speedo so as to restore it to original condition.

A few have come up in this board, and people have trouble finding good homes for them. So I think the actual market value is low, but in the right hands, priceless.

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Re: Model A Concept2

Post by Ombrax » February 22nd, 2024, 11:18 pm

1) As mentioned above, keep it and us it yourself. (or if you have kids, maybe they'd like to us it)

2) If you're willing to go through the trouble of selling it, offer it locally (Facebook or Craigslist) for say, $100

3) If you aren't willing to go through the hassle of selling it, contact your local rowing club and ask if they'd like it (for free). I bet they can find a home for it.

Good Luck

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Re: Model A Concept2

Post by c2jonw » February 23rd, 2024, 8:50 am

I'll throw out $200 as a high value if it's in great condition with a functional electronic monitor, maybe more if it's a PM5. The main wearing components can be replaced for under $100 and you can get a great workout from it. It's noisy and rough compared to later models but I know that many are still in use. Good luck with it.....
73 year old grandpa living in Waterbury Center, Vermont, USA
Concept2 employee 1980-2018! and what a long, strange trip it's been......

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Re: Model A Concept2

Post by Rrmoore2 » February 23rd, 2024, 10:58 am

Thanks everyone!

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