Missing distance on my rower... can you help me

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Missing distance on my rower... can you help me

Post by 4Pat » February 26th, 2020, 2:38 pm

I am new to the indoor rowing. but i'am a good witewater kayaker...as they said ; )
A friend give me a rower, a base quality one. But it wortks
I record my activitys with my garmin watch. so it give me only my stroke rate and how many stroke i made.
My questions is: can help me to figure how long i row?

Time : 7min 05 sec
Total of stroke: 211
Avg stroke rate: 29
Max stroke rate : 32
distance ??

Time : 45min 03 sec
Total of stroke: 1015
Avg stroke rate: 22
Max stroke rate : 34
distance ??

I'am curious about if that is a good perfomance or not for a newbe for a men of 49 years old and 104 kg
and sory for my french canadian english.

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Re: Missing distance on my rower... can you help me

Post by Anth_F » February 26th, 2020, 5:00 pm

The only way we can tell anything about your performance and other things is for you to use an official Concept 2 rowing machine. That rower you use gives nothing!!! And the watch data gives nothing of real importance either such as pace, watts, etc etc.

Anything other brand you use and data recorded from is pretty much meaningless on here. The C2 rower will also accurately calculate any distances rowed each time you use it.
46 yo male 5'10 88kg (Rowing since june 9th 2016) PB's 5k 19:22 30min 7518m

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Re: Missing distance on my rower... can you help me

Post by Ombrax » February 27th, 2020, 5:49 am

Bienvenu to the forum, Pat.

Given the limitations of your current rower, I think your only real option is to get a heart rate monitor and use that to figure out how hard you're working.

Based on your goals (weight loss, general cardio, etc. etc.) you can choose the appropriate HR range you need to be in and go for that. There is a lot of information on how to use heart rate for training for any number of different types of exercise and goals.

Hopefully you'll conclude that rowing is a great exercise (it is) and if you want to use a "real" erg you can then get a C2.

Good Luck

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Re: Missing distance on my rower... can you help me

Post by 4Pat » February 27th, 2020, 9:59 am

Great thank's for your information.
But for me, now I'am not going to buy a C2....eventualy maybe.
In the short future as I'am a electrotechnician. I'am going to desing and built one very close to the C2.
As for my heart rate you can see the picture

this si for the 7 min

this is for the 45 min

Best regard Pat

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Re: Missing distance on my rower... can you help me

Post by lindsayh » February 28th, 2020, 4:56 am

One problem Pat is that you wont be able to compare your results with others - you will be able to measure your own progress though and monitoring HR will allow you to get a feel for intensity. there is no way of working out the distance you have rowed \
Best of luck
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Re: Missing distance on my rower... can you help me

Post by jamesg » February 28th, 2020, 5:50 am

can help me to figure how long i row?
As a guess, you'll be going 10-11 m per stroke, if the strokes are all long, hard and at low rating (20-24). At higher ratings, such as 30, consider 8-9 m/stroke.

Training can always be done by using time and heart rate, within HR Training Band theory.

The original training plans for the erg wanted work such as 2 x 12 minutes or 3 x 12' in HR band UT1. This HR level when rowing will be reached at ratings 20 to 24, once you have the technique.
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.

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Re: Missing distance on my rower... can you help me

Post by 4Pat » February 28th, 2020, 3:12 pm

Thank you every one
James thank's for aspect of HR training and to have an idea of the lenght per stroke.
Rally appreciat.

Have a nice row every one

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