map plotter

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Erik A
6k Poster
Posts: 665
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map plotter

Post by Erik A » December 28th, 2017, 5:20 pm

So i have had a look around and there are several map plotters that you can plot your walk/run/cycle etc. is there an APP or such that i can enter a route and then add to it a marker showing where i am on that route dependant on meters/km rowed etc.
so if i had a goal to row from the north most point of NZ to the most southern point and point A was my start and B was my finish and on day 1 I rowed 5km and input that then a mark would show where i was??
61 yo from New Zealand
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Re: map plotter

Post by EAB1 » December 28th, 2017, 8:55 pm

I've not found one, but it's a great idea.

I've done a brute-force approach using Google Earth where I create a placemark and then move it each day by measuring off the distance I've rowed using the ruler (path mode). Save the new position and repeat the process the next day.

Before long you'll have moved your placemark across NZ.


Erik A
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Re: map plotter

Post by Erik A » December 28th, 2017, 10:51 pm

Hi Evan

yeah that was my initial thought on how to do it as well but thought someone smarter than me may have already created an app. may have a chat to some of my kids friends that play with APP development and see if they can point me in the right direction or maybe create one
61 yo from New Zealand
6'4 and 120kg

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