ergo in Beijing

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ergo in Beijing

Post by lindsayh » November 17th, 2015, 6:59 am

Hi there all
I know this is a pretty random question but my daughter's boss (in Belgium) has embraced the erg to the point he cant think of going for a week without one.
He is spending time in Beijing and was actually contemplating having one delivered to him in Beijing (he is used to getting what he wants).
Cant find an erg locater for China.
Has anyone had experience of finding an erg in Beijing?
(I have advised that he develops a treadmill habit for a week)
73yo 93kg
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Re: ergo in Beijing

Post by c2jonw » November 17th, 2015, 8:43 am

There are ergs in Beijing. Contact info:

Concept2 China



73 year old grandpa living in Waterbury Center, Vermont, USA
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