Wii Fit U rowing on Concept 2

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Wii Fit U rowing on Concept 2

Post by mwilcox » October 31st, 2014, 12:25 pm

Wondering if anyone has tried this, could you put the balance board on the seat and tape the controller to the handle. Just curious if it can be done and that said it may be a little uncomfortable if the balance board is needed.

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Re: Wii Fit U rowing on Concept 2

Post by RoidbotPR » October 31st, 2014, 3:43 pm

What would be the purpose of doing that? Although there is some balance associated with sitting and rowing, the C2 is not going to interface with the Wii no matter how you configure it. Same with Kinect or the Playstation Eye. Tracking movement is way different than tracking any data coming out of the PM.

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