"certified gym trainers"

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Cikan Vuz
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"certified gym trainers"

Post by Cikan Vuz » September 21st, 2013, 8:27 pm

I am curious; when a gym purchases Concept 2 rowers, do they receive instruction on how to instruct members the proper way to use the machines?

I ask because I have never seen at my gym one of the certified trainers properly instruct someone how to use the rowers. In fact today when I was trying for a marathon (got interrupted by a "come get me" from my kid) one of the instructors was teaching a member to use it sooooo incorrectly, I had to chime in and inform him of the proper form and way to use the rower. He said "Really? I didn't know that, I just go by what my high school coach told me". Then he said, you know there is a lady here who loves this machine; she rows over 2 and a half hours a day, some time she is here 8 hours I hear. I said I "know, she is me" and laughed. Then I said , okay I like to work out at the point where it is hard to talk, I got to speed up.

He looked at me like I was crazy and walked away. I guess cos I am not lean, I cant be mean... ;)

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Re: "certified gym trainers"

Post by Citroen » September 22nd, 2013, 4:36 am

Welcome to the real world.

I've never yet seen any member of staff at any gym anywhere who wasn't 100% clueless on how the ergo works and how it should be used.

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Re: "certified gym trainers"

Post by hjs » September 22nd, 2013, 4:44 am

Citroen wrote:Welcome to the real world.

I've never yet seen any member of staff at any gym anywhere who wasn't 100% clueless on how the ergo works and how it should be used.
And more in general, they are rather clueless overall. The erg is a very specific tool, not much need to know how it works.

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Re: "certified gym trainers"

Post by Bob S. » September 22nd, 2013, 12:29 pm

Well, in SoCal there are at least three coaches that know rowing inside and out, erg or OTW, Jack Nunn, Josh Crosby, and Xeno Muller. I don't think that Xeno has a facility any more, but, as far as I know, the other two are still in business.

Bob S.

Note: Crossfit has a certification program for their instructors, but I don't know how well their program filters down to the local crossfit facilities, but from videos I have seen of the instructor training program, it looked very good.

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Re: "certified gym trainers"

Post by Cikan Vuz » September 22nd, 2013, 6:49 pm

I used to be a gym trainer back when I was body building; I tried to be on top of how to do everything correctly. I guess these days these kids just care about getting the paycheck while being able to just sit around and talk.... LOL

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