Future of CRASH-Bs?
Posted: February 27th, 2024, 3:58 pm
With USRA (and other national championships) and WRICH now behind us, the 2024 racing season is effectively over. Turning my thoughts to 2025, I’m very hopeful CRASH-Bs will return. But with what focus, timing, format, tweaks?
USRA is clearly on to something with the hybrid format, and same-day local events. That system seems here to stay. Where does CRASH-B fit in? Seems unlikely that the CRASH-B organizers would be happy as one of the feeder/host sites for USRA. But they also can’t compete head to head for participants—the lure of a being a USRA National Medalist is pretty strong.
The culture, tradition and in-person format of CRASH-B seem worth saving, but some new thinking is in order.
USRA is clearly on to something with the hybrid format, and same-day local events. That system seems here to stay. Where does CRASH-B fit in? Seems unlikely that the CRASH-B organizers would be happy as one of the feeder/host sites for USRA. But they also can’t compete head to head for participants—the lure of a being a USRA National Medalist is pretty strong.
The culture, tradition and in-person format of CRASH-B seem worth saving, but some new thinking is in order.