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Competition protocol

Posted: February 21st, 2024, 10:41 pm
by NickKira
Doing my first competition next week, could someone with some experience advise on the protocol on a couple of matters:
- When you first sit at the erg are you allowed to touch the controls - for example to "set drag factor" and take a few strokes? Or do you just need to play with the damper?
- Is it possible to link the erg with ErgData in competition, or look at the screen data metrics after the race - just to get performance data?

Thanks loads!

Re: Competition protocol

Posted: February 22nd, 2024, 1:43 am
by Dangerscouse
Yeah, you have a little bit of time to set the drag factor etc, which is on the PM5 display. You'll be told to put your handle down and sit ready when they're ready.

I don't think that you can link to Ergdata or any other app, but you can take a screenshot at the end (500m splits) and there might be an online graph showing pace, stroke rate etc.

Best of luck

Re: Competition protocol

Posted: February 22nd, 2024, 12:49 pm
by Citroen
When I used to run the Basingstoke competitions you couldn't attach any equipment to the PM4 (not even a logcard) - the whole set-up worked as a radio antenna and would crash at the slightest hint of static (it is better with PM5s) - it took about 10 minutes to reset 20 ergos. Your fellow rowers won't like you for that 10 minutes of unscheduled cool down before they race.

The PM3/PM4/PM5 shows your drag factor when the race isn't running. Set it as normal using the lever then when you're done put the handle down. Take a look around, see where your nearest rival is sitting, have a chat, etc. It's not a sterile environment (unless the organiser has some strange idea for the rules).

Read this: ... ace-advice
If you need more info then read this: ... pplication and read this: ... ce-display (this is quite informative).

When the race organiser starts the race the PM5 will change the display from "startup" to "racing". You will see "Sit Ready", "Attention" then after a delay you'll see ROW. That delay is random to stop folks jumping the start. (99.9% of all races start normally - so don't worry about false starts.)

After the race you can get the four 500m splits from your PM5. Press "[UNITS]" and press "[DISPLAY]" - nothing can go wrong all the data is stored on the laptop running the race. The race saves every stroke from every PM5, so that stuff should be available.

Re: Competition protocol

Posted: February 23rd, 2024, 8:54 pm
by NickKira
Excellent answers - thanks