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USRowing Atlantic City

Posted: January 13th, 2023, 2:02 pm
by Yankeerunner
Is anyone here planning to do the USRowing Indoor Championships in Atlantic City on February 4 & 5?

If someone who lives between Atlantic City and Northeast Massachusetts would be interested in carpooling and sharing the cost of a double room, I'd be interested in discussing it.


Re: USRowing Atlantic City

Posted: January 13th, 2023, 9:48 pm
by Mike Caviston
Yankeerunner wrote:
January 13th, 2023, 2:02 pm
Is anyone here planning to do the USRowing Indoor Championships in Atlantic City on February 4 & 5?
Hey Rick,

I was considering that but have decided it won't work out. I'm frustrated this year trying to find any race that is logistically feasible and doesn't conflict with other commitments. But I wish we could meet up and talk about old times! If you do go, good luck and kick some butt.


Re: USRowing Atlantic City

Posted: January 14th, 2023, 9:49 am
by Yankeerunner
Hi Mike,

Good to hear from you. It would have been great to be roommates again; maybe another time.

I've been spoiled by all those years that CRASH-Bs was the event and close enough for me to drive down there on the morning of the race. And by organizing my own race at my store in Newburyport and having people come to me. This would have been the weekend of the NE2KC, and I miss it, although I'm thoroughly enjoying retirement.

Driving for some 6 to 7 hours alone doesn't have the same appeal to me now that it did when I was younger. To say nothing of the 6 to 7 hour drive home alone after.
