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First Annual Boston Erg Marathon

Posted: March 26th, 2006, 9:48 pm
by canoeist
Several ergers will have front row seats to the Boston running marathon this year. We are planning to set up in the parking lot of the Newton-Wellesley Hospital on Rt 16 and row a marathon. We will be within spitting distance of the runners, so it should be an interesting row. :lol:

Please respond below if you would like to join us - either as an individual, or part of a team.

Here is a message from Fred Millham, head of surgury at Newton-Wellesley hospital. (And an avid erger.)


Paul Flack



We have 5 machines with solid committments and another 5 'possibles' (I think I
have you listed in the possibles at present) Paul Flack and I are committed to
row the M, two teams are committed to relay the distance. There are two
possibles amoung the Tom Borher set and two interested from Community Rowing. I
expect perhaps one of these to actually materialize, so there is plenty of room.
We could have as many as 13 machines going, two with teams and eleven with stout
souls going the distance alone.
We have space outside very close to route 16, close enough to heckle the runners
if one wishs to. The Hospital hosts a cookout and other stuff that day which is
near, but not too near, the rowing venue. Rowers are of course welcome at all
The present plan is to start at 10 or so so that we will be on the home stretch
when the elite runners pass by. Even the slower rowers should be done by 2pm
leaving time to have a burger, watch the cattle parade segement of the Marathon
or visit the ER for some nitroglycerine or intravenous fluids.
The event is offered as an opportunity to support our Breast Cancer Center. In
particular an inovative program we are developing to identify and manage women
at high risk for breast cancer but may not be aware of it. If we can work out
the details, this program would be exportable to just about any hospital and
could make a great contribution to the early identification and prevention of
breast cancer.
Sponsorsip is not required to participate in the marathon, but even a small
amout of support would be appreciated and very helpful to our program. The link
for potential sponsors is below:
< ... emID=17897>
Below is a crude medical release form which will serve as a registration.
<<Release Form for Ergathon REV.doc>>
Using your own machine may present some logistical problems, but since the
numbers are small we can probably accommodate it.
Please let me know if you are in, and return the form by email or otherwise.
I look forward to meeting you. This is shaping up to look like a fun event.
Fred Millham

Posted: April 8th, 2006, 8:18 am
by FrankJ
This has been a quiet thread. Paul and I will be there the question is will any other forumites be rowing? I will be driving down that morning from Maine and if anyone wants a ride let me know.


ERG Marathon

Posted: April 9th, 2006, 9:32 pm
by FHM
I think there may be one more Forumite who is rowing with us. As it stands now we have 7 old men going the distance. There are three relay teams of two to four members and a local prep school girls crew is going to keep another 4 machines going as relays. This makes 14 machines, which I guess qualifies as a regatta.

Anyone planning to join this motley crew who has NOT CORESPONDED WITH ME DIRECTY BY EMAIL do so NOW so I can be sure to have enough machines, refreashments and defibrilators handy.

If the weather is nice we will have a ball. There should be plenty of people to cheer you for the record. We have a couple of volunteers signed up if you want a cox.


Posted: April 10th, 2006, 10:20 pm
by canoeist
Fred, I just answered an Concept forum message from someone that wishes to join. I will send him your contact information when I get to my other computer.

I have the name of someone who has a smaller tent than the CRI tent. I will try to call him in the morning.

Sorry for being so quiet here, the toy buisiness is takin a lot of my time.

The coach at CRI says that the boathouse is closed on April 17th because it is owned by the state. So, practice will be held in front of the hospital and we may have one or two more teams to participate.

Anybody traveling long distances to the event are welcome to stay at my place and do last minute resting/preparation. I live about 1 1/2 miles from the marathon site. Please contact me paul(at)bridgestreettoys(dot)com to let me know that you intend to stop over.



Posted: April 11th, 2006, 7:11 am
by Yankeerunner
Despite falling apart since a week after CRASH-B's I've been putting myself back together with a combination of bandaids, bubblegum and duct tape. I'll be there, erging much, much slower than I used to run on Marathon Monday.


Posted: April 11th, 2006, 2:41 pm
by calonius
Yankeerunner wrote:Despite falling apart since a week after CRASH-B's I've been putting myself back together with a combination of bandaids, bubblegum and duct tape. I'll be there, erging much, much slower than I used to run on Marathon Monday.

Rick, do you feel like Don Quijote or Sancho Panza :?:


Very cool....the start of something big

Posted: April 13th, 2006, 12:37 am
by sledgehammer
This is very cool...the start of something big perhaps.

I will also be erging with some folks along the course as part of a school fundraiser that includes rowers and runners. I believe we have about 10 ergers at our site so that means that in total about 25 crazy souls will be doing the Boston Marathon Row on Monday. I think this is how the running race got started way back when....


"On April 19, 1897, John J. McDermott of New York, emerged from a 15-member starting field and captured the first B.A.A. Marathon in 2:55:10, and, in the process, forever secured his name in sports history -"

Good luck to everyone !

Best, Ernie

Posted: April 17th, 2006, 7:23 pm
by FrankJ
I just want to say a big Thank You! to Fred Millham and the team he put together to support the marathon. They did an absolutely first rate job. Also a special Thank You to Mary who kept me going through an extremely rough part of my marathon.

Anyone who considered rowing but didn't make it should plan on the 2nd Annual Boston ERG Marathon on Patriot's Day 2007.


Posted: April 17th, 2006, 11:45 pm
by seat5
Hey marathoners!
How many of you were there there today, and how did it go? Anyone break any records? Was there much attention from the crowds? It seems like the weather was about perfect for it. Hoping for a full report tomorrow!!!

Posted: April 18th, 2006, 2:13 pm
by Yankeerunner
While not a full report, I did put some info about into my diary entries yesterday and today: for anyone interested. I hope that Fred will post a full story later.


Posted: April 18th, 2006, 5:07 pm
by FHM
We did in deed have a great time at the first annual NWH Boston ERG marathon. We ended up with 10 machines going with 5 team relays and 5 individual nuts rowing the whole thing. The weather was fantastic and we finished arround the time the elite runners were going by on the other Boston Marathon. There was a big crowd for the runners who showed a lot of interest in the rowers as well. An MP from the National Guard got so excited by the event that he jumped on the BB&N team 1 ERG for 1000m. It seems everyone had a great time and we raised over $4800 for our breast cancer prevention project as well.

Here are the official results:

Individual Marathon:
1: Adam Holland 2:33:29
2: Paul Flack 2:39:52
3: Frank Knight 2:51:40
4: Rick Bayko 2:52:54
5: Fred Millham 3:13:09

1: Community Rowing (Hyde and Schauffler) 2:52:50
2: BB&N Team 2 2:57:56
3: Team Shipley (McIntyre, Cordan, LaSalletta, Blonder) 3:02:58
4: BB&N Team 1 (+US Army) 3:04:57
5: Team Rocket (Dr. and Ms. Rocket) 3:16:20

Offical thanks to Dana Dowd and Dottie Bump who kept us all well hydrated and inspired. I will forward any imagery to racers as it becomes available.

Thanks to all the participants, what a great event. I'll keep you posted on plans for next year.


Posted: April 18th, 2006, 7:26 pm
by seat5
Thanks for the stories! I do wish I had come and done it with you guys, I still have my marathon for the season hanging over my head...I ended up working a 13 hour day yesterday, it's a really busy day in our office. I think once Easter goes by, everyone suddnely realizes summer is coming and they had better order solar shades!!!

Your av. paces are amazing, the whole lot of you. Congratulations!

One more thing

Posted: April 19th, 2006, 9:19 am
by FHM
I need to include my thanks to Tom Borher who volunteered his ergometers. Tom basically gave me the keys to his business, and let us borrow his second most important asset. Thank You Tom you are very generous.


A few miles up the course...

Posted: April 19th, 2006, 11:55 am
by sledgehammer
Fred et al - Great report. Sounds like a hell of a time!

We had our marathon row about 5 miles up the course at the Natick/Wellesley line and had 9 rowers erging away raising money for scholarships for a local school. 7 of us rowed the whole thing and one team of 2 members did back-to-back half-marathons. We were able to rig up a stereo to blast country music, and a TV to watch the Red Sox game. Definately recommended to pass the time.

Our best anecdote is that one of the members of the Sledgehammer Rowing Club is so tough that he decided to ride his bike 10 miles to and from the marathon row (because, I guess the rowing a marathon alone wouldn't be enough exercise for him).....And if that wasn't impressive enough...he brought his own erg with him!


Well done friends! I'm thinking that in 30 years (when there are 10,000 ergers lining the course) the world is going to recognize we were way ahead of our time.

Perhaps next year we should have a friendly competition between the two marathon sites. A friendly wager perhaps?

Best, Ernie

Posted: April 19th, 2006, 5:14 pm
by FrankJ
Come on Ernie you know what a challenge from you does to inspire me. What we have to do is hook them all up so we can see each other in the race.

Can't wait until next year.
