FM Monthly Challenge February

From the CRASH-B's to an online challenge, discuss the competitive side of erging here.
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FM Monthly Challenge February

Post by Recess » February 10th, 2019, 3:12 pm

Hi everyone.

This month, the FM Monthly challenge at is what we all love and adore. The 2K.

My original intention was that this would 'unify' all three team challenges. The FMMC, The CTC and The IRL. But after the sad news of Anne Yate's - we at FM towers changed our mind about the CTC and went for the 2801 in memorial.

Anyway, that shouldn't stop you banging out a 2K and entering a time for the FMMC!! Hopefully with all the races going on in February, you'll have faced a 2K at one point - but there's never a bad time to do a 2K (I almost typed that with a straight face...)

Remember, this is for you, for your team and for your country.


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